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Starting Falun Dafa Cultivation Practice After the Persecution Began

April 18, 2012 |   By a practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa after July 20, 1999, when the persecution began. During my recent years of cultivation practice, I've experienced the miracles of Falun Dafa and witnessed Teacher's merciful and arduous salvation efforts.

The Experience of Starting Cultivation Practice

On July 20, 1999, media controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began fabricating lies and slanderous statements about Falun Dafa and its founder. At around 2:00 that afternoon, the TV station announced that it would broadcast some important news at 4:30, and then canceled the regular programming. The program that I used to watch was scheduled for broadcast at 4:30, but since it was canceled, I turned off the TV. I had also been listening to the Voice of America (VOA) program for some time, and had some understanding of the crimes committed on Chinese people by the CCP - before, and after it came into power. For this reason, I decided not to watch the “important news”. When my father returned home at around 4:00 p.m., he asked me why I wasn't watching TV. I explained that the program had been canceled and all the stations were going to broadcast the so-called important news. After watching the news, I realized that the CCP had begun slandering Falun Gong, and banning the practice of cultivation exercises.

The following day, everyone at my father's work unit was talking about Falun Gong, and he learned that a colleague (who had a good relationship with him) was also a practitioner. From the interviews broadcast by VOA, and the understanding gained from this colleague, my father decided to begin practicing Falun Gong, and started at the end of the year.

My Father's Migraine Disappeared; Kidney Stones Eliminated

My father experienced the miraculous effects of Falun Dafa in healing and keeping fit.

Father had suffered from migraines since childhood. He was unable to read books for very long, otherwise, he'd develop bad headaches. When this occurred, he was unable to fall asleep. However, whenever he read Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, his migraines disappeared. Although the migraine symptoms appeared a few times, he's never had another headache since then. Teacher cured my father's chronic and stubborn ailment.

Due to the poor quality of drinking water in our city, many adults suffered from kidney stones. Physical examinations revealed that my father also suffered from them. Around 2002, one kidney stone was discharged and not long after, other stones were eliminated. As a result, all of his kidney stones were discharged without undergoing an operation.

My Mother's Back Straightened; Black, Aging Spots Disappeared

Due to the aging process, my mother's back began to stoop, and this became more obvious while sitting. She began practicing Falun Gong in 2006 after she retired. Though it was a bit late in life, the miraculous effects of healing and keeping fit showed in her very quickly. Her back straightened, and she looked more energetic and apparently taller.

When mother was young, she had a black spot on her right cheek. She drank a lot of milk hoping to “whiten” it. However, drinking milk for two or three years had no effect. However, following her cultivation practice, her black spot became lighter and finally disappeared - without cosmetic surgery.

Teacher said that practitioners must pay attention to xinxing. If not, the changes to your physical body will be very small, or there would be no change. Sometimes when my mother failed to maintain her xinxing and had conflicts with my father, the black spot would reappear on her face, and sometimes he'd also suffer from a toothache. Actually, Teacher was reminding my mother to maintain her xinxing. This proved that Teacher was always looking after practitioners.

My Face Became Smooth, Acne Disappeared

My face was covered with acne. I constantly squeezed the pimples, so at the time I graduated from the university, some areas of my face were uneven, damaging my impression. At the beginning of junior high school, I had acne on my back as well. This acne was different from the type on my face. The facial acne appeared on the skin's surface, while those on my back were under the skin.

I began practicing Falun Gong in 2007. After several cleansing cycles during my cultivation in the last five years, the uneven areas on my face became proportional. When I felt my face, the skin was smooth, delicate and reddish-white. One day, I discovered that except for some minor acne, the rest had disappeared and my entire back was very smooth.

We are grateful to Teacher for spreading Dafa, which saved my whole family. Many people were quite amazed at the steadfastness of practitioners in their cultivation. This is because they've understood how precious Dafa is from the book Zhuan Falun, the meaning of life and the destiny of human beings, so they've benefited from Falun Dafa cultivation practice. We hope that the people in the world will learn the truth about Falun Dafa, and see through the CCP's lies so that they can choose a bright future.