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Outstanding Teacher in Sichuan Province Arrested Again after Suffering Multiple Detentions and Brutal Tortures

April 28, 2012 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Sichuan Province

Name: Zhan Min
Gender: Female
Age: 48
Address: Unknown
Occupation: Teacher in Xijing County Normal College
Date of Most Recent Arrest: March 16, 2012
Most Recent Place of Detention: Chengdu City Detention Center
City: Chengdu
Province: Sichuan
Persecution Suffered: Electric shock, sleep deprivation, brainwashing, illegal sentencing, beatings, hung up, imprisonment, solitary confinement, torture, force-feedings, fired from workplace, physical restraint, home ransacked, detention, denial of restroom use

(Minghui.org) Ms. Zhan Min is an outstanding teacher in Xijing County Normal College, Sichuan Province. She was arrested on March 16, 2012 at a residential compound in Chengdu City when she was clarifying the truth to people. Police from Fangcaojie Police Station also ransacked her home. Currently she is detained at Chengdu Detention Center.

Ms. Zhan, 48, graduated from Sichuan Province Education Institution. She had multiple diseases before practicing Falun Gong, including hepatitis, gastritis, heart disease, etc. She had to take several kinds of medication to stay alive and spent a lot of money on them. She started practicing Falun Gong in December 1996 and fully recovered shortly afterward.

Since July 20, 1999 when the persecution of Falun Gong started, Ms. Zhan has been detained six times and subjected to forced labor for two years, three months, and 26 days. She was also detained in a brainwashing center for eight months. She was brutally tortured, and she has been at the brink of death several times.

In November 1999, Ms. Zhan was arrested on her way to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was fined several thousand yuan. Her students wanted to visit her when she was in the detention center. Peng Youlin, head of the normal college, threatened to expel them if they did.

In May 2000, Ms. Zhan again went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was arrested and detained in the Chengde City liaison office in Beijing for six days and seven nights. Then she was sent back and detained in Chengdu Detention Center for 39 days. The college fired her. On June 29, 2000, she was arrested again for practicing the Falun Gong exercises outside in the morning. She was detained in Wujing Town Police Station and was handcuffed to a tree under the sun for an entire day, without any food or water. She was detained for 30 days.

In December 2000, Ms. Zhan went to Beijing for the third time to appeal for Falun Gong. She was arrested and detained in the Dongcheng District Detention Center in Beijing. More than 10 guards brutally beat her with batons, which caused 80% of the skin on her body to turn purple. To protest the mistreatment, she held a nine-day hunger strike. She was later sent back to Chengdu City and sentenced to two years of forced labor.

Ms. Zhan was sent to Nanmusi Women's Forced Labor Camp in Zhizhong City. For more than two years, she suffered inhuman mistreatment. She was deprived of the right to speak, sleep, go to the restroom, etc. She was brainwashed and confined in a solitary cell for a long period of time. She was also tortured in other ways as detailed below.

Being forced to stand at attention: For four months she was forced to stand from 6 a.m. to midnight. Her feet and legs swelled up, and she was unable to wear her shoes. She was still forced to continue standing and would be beaten if her posture was not correct. The inmates were assigned to closely watch her. Any sound, movement, or even just an expression in her eyes could bring on verbal abuse or a beating.

Hanging: She was handcuffed and hung up from a high window for several hours. Li Qi, head of the division, ordered inmates to tie up or cuff her hands together and hang her up from the upper end of a bunk bed. She was hung up in this manner day and night for over a month.

Electric shock on her face: Cao, head of the No.9 Team, shocked her in the face with an electric baton. Many sparks came off of her face. The skin on her face was burned and red with many bloody blisters.

Sleep deprivation: Li Qi ordered that she be detained in a solitary cell. She was forced to stand day and night without sleep. She would be kicked and punched if she closed her eyes. Once she was forced to stand this way without sleep for six days and seven nights.

Deprived of going to the restroom: She was not allowed to go to the restroom. When she wet her pants, she was not allowed to change them. Moreover, she was forced to drink several cups of water every hour.

Punitive force-feeding: She was brutally force-fed during her hunger strike. Once, during a month-long hunger strike, she was force-fed every day. Several inmates held her down on the floor. Some even sat on her small, thin body. They pinched her nose shut and pried her mouth open. After she was released from the labor camp, she was tricked and taken to Xinjing Forced Brainwashing Center. She started a hunger strike and was force-fed again. She was tied to a bed, and a feeding tube was inserted through her nose all the way to her stomach. She was catheterized. The tubes remained inside her body. They would feed her at will. She was tied to the bed with the tubes in her body for several days. She suffered extreme pain as a result of this. Later she was diagnosed with Hepatitis B, but she was still held in the brainwashing center and brutally force fed until her life was in danger.

Parties responsible for persecuting Ms. Zhan:
Fangcaojie Police Station: +86-28-85178288, +86-28-85178285