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Breaking Through Illusion and Answering the Call for Articles

April 08, 2012 |   By a practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) When I first saw “Call for Submissions to Commemorate the Twentieth Anniversary of Falun Dafa’s Introduction” from the Minghui editors, I thought that as Master’s disciple, I should write something to validate Dafa. I had no knowledge however of what to write or how to write it. I was even afraid of the difficulty.

I thought about it for a few days, but was still hesitant about which topic to choose. I had some setbacks and felt that none of the topics I considered met the Minghui editors' guideline, “…to show people why so many disciples are persisting in cultivation and clarifying the truth with all their might despite suffering thirteen years of persecution from the CCP, how new practitioners are continually joining in to be a part of Dafa cultivation...” I felt that I shouldn’t talk about profound Fa principles. Regarding Dafa’s miraculous healing effects, I didn't experience this myself, since I had no serious illnesses before cultivating, nor did I experience any miracles manifesting in the human world. I thought about the articles that I had submitted to the Internet Experience Sharing Conference for Practitioners in China over the past two years. None were published. The more I thought about it, the worse I felt. I almost lost confidence, and for a time I even had thoughts of giving up. However, I had a thought in my mind the entire time. I should do something to help commemorate this sacred day.

I subsequently read practitioners’ sharings about submitting articles to commemorate May 13 in Issue 529 and Issue 530 of Minghui Weekly. Those sharing articles greatly helped me. I decided to overcome any difficulties and write an article to validate Dafa. Master has endured so much for us and sentient beings. How can I fail to do such a little thing?

Since I had become determined and confident, the power of Dafa began to manifest. One day as I was on my way to work, several words suddenly came to mind. I thought, “Right! That will be the title.” I quickly took the notebook from my pocket and wrote down the words. Over the following days, thoughts and ideas continually came to my mind when I was on my way to or from work, or when I was eating, or in bed. I wrote down all of them. One time when I laid down for a nap, before I fell asleep, how to conclude the article suddenly came into my mind. I hadn’t even started to write my paper, but all the ideas and materials were ready. Afterwards I successfully finished my first draft in just one afternoon and two evenings, and I felt it basically met the requirement of the Minghui editors.

Looking back to a few days ago, when I had no knowledge of what to write, was afraid I couldn’t write well, and was worried that I hadn’t experienced miracles, I see that all of these notions were actually illusions. Once I had righteous thoughts, there was nothing to block me. I broke though the illusions and successfully finished the article. It appeared that I received help from the divine!

Through this experience, I once again realized the Fa principle Master has taught us,

“Master can help you, but only as long as you know to strive to improve.” ("Fa-Lecture During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference")

“There has been a great deal of groundwork done in advance. All that’s missing is your carrying things out with righteous thoughts. Yet you haven’t had the righteous thoughts that it takes.” (“Dafa Disciples Must Study the Fa - Fa Teaching Given at the 2011 Washington DC Metro Area Fa Conference”)

During the entire process, I identified some problems in my cultivation practice, and realized why the articles I submitted before were not published.

I sincerely hope that practitioners answer the call for articles to harmonize what Master wants. Don't be attached to whether your article will be published. This is actually a precious opportunity to cultivate and upgrade ourselves, and also a process of validating the Fa and saving sentient beings that we Dafa disciples should do.

The above is my personal understanding. Please kindly point out anything that is improper.