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Eliminating the Attachment of Pursuit in My Career

June 19, 2012 |   By a practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) After the draft I wrote for the company was finalized yesterday, my attachment to zealotry surfaced. I asked other people to read it and was very happy to hear their praise. However, I forgot to get up to practice the exercises the next morning. Suddenly I realized that I had worked for all these years to prove myself – a strong and hidden attachment that I needed to eliminate. That is the attachment to pursuit in my career.

This attachment is a notion that has been formed over the last thirty years. I was unable to eliminate it even though I have been practicing Falun Gong for many years. Even after various defeats and harm brought by ordinary people, and blame from my boss, I still was not aware of it. I thought that I was selfless because I seemed to be a kind person in ordinary society. However, judging by the standards of a practitioner, I fell far behind. I was not truly cultivating, but rather using the name of cultivation to cover my strong attachment to pursuit in my career in ordinary society. When all other materialistic aspects were not present, I still wanted to pursue this business culture and claimed among ordinary people that “whoever grasped the essence (of my article about this culture), can take over our enterprise.” Ordinary people thought that I was a “selfless” and kind person. However, my attachment had expanded further and even extended to other people. Although it may not have been so obvious from the appearance, the attachment had grown so strong in my heart that I wanted to control the fate of our enterprise with the formality of writing this article on business culture.

Isn't cultivation for eliminating attachments? In ordinary society, I appear to be free of attachments to fame, gain and personal interest. However, deep in my heart, my attachment of pursuit in my career is strong. I wanted to strengthen the enterprise with my own notions and deeds. I thought that I had let go of this attachment, and wanted to clarify the truth and validate the Fa through business culture. However, it stemmed from my fundamental attachments – pursuit of career and proving myself. Cultivation is very serious. If we can't let go of our fundamental notions, everything we do is fragile and false.

I came to enlighten that this enterprise was a project that I tried to rescue even after I started practicing Falun Gong. The existence of this enterprise was the result and reflection of my strong attachment to pursuit in my career. If I had not had such a strong attachment, I would have been a quiet and ordinary worker. My strong attachment caused all the trouble I am facing today. We had invested dozens of millions of yuan, which enabled our business to last for about six years. But it now seems like a fruitless experiment. Our investors were disappointed at the outcome and requested their money back and withdrew from our enterprise. Maybe this business should have never existed. It is now a huge test for my cultivation.

If we can't follow the standard of the Fa, we can never root out our fundamental attachment. I have been cultivating for many years, yet I didn't realize that I was stuck in this enterprise and had locked myself in a dark shell. The harder I tried, the tighter I was tied to my notions. There was no way out. When the business was troubled by tangible issues such as funding, quality and technology, I still didn't realize my problem. I mixed many human notions when I sent forth righteous thoughts. Meanwhile I was unable to do the three things righteously. Don't all of my fears, worries and concerns stem from the fact that I cared too much about my position and influence in the enterprise? I put so much effort into looking for investors, finding CEO candidates and searching for funding. This was indeed forcing others to accept my notion of pursuit.

Teacher said in the book Zhuan Falun,

“Falun Dafa disciples are absolutely forbidden to treat patients.”

However, I wanted to treat this enterprise and rescue it. It is indeed my attachment to treating patients.

The appearance stems from the mind. This enterprise existed because of my one thought. The big test in my cultivation now is that I need to eliminate my human notions. I didn't balance well the relationship between work and cultivation. I am a practitioner first. When a problem arose, I didn't realize that it was caused by my attachment. Thus I always tried to solve it with ordinary people's methods. However, because of my attachment, the more effort I put in, the worse the outcome. As a result, I was exhausted both mentally and physically. My supervisor was disappointed too. This enterprise was also a living entity. All people related to it all came for the Fa and existed for the Fa.

After I eliminated my fundamental attachment, I instantly experienced a wonderful physical change. I felt very light. When I clarified the truth to others, I could speak fluently and smoothly without any blockage of human notions. When I discussed my experience in work, everyone easily accepted my view. This is the power of Dafa. Dafa gave me wisdom. The essence of my article on business culture was about Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Through sharing on the business culture, many people naturally accepted the truth of Falun Gong. When I finally let go of my attachment to pursuit in my career, I realized that all beings came for the Fa. They've been waiting for too long. As practitioners in the Fa rectification period, we really need to grasp every opportunity to save sentient beings.