(Minghui.org) While doing the first four exercises Master showed me scenes to help me with my cultivation path. First I would like to say that I cannot see with my Celestial Eye, though I know that all disciples have their Celestial Eye opened.

First Exercise:

As I started the first exercise I came to an understanding at my level about being awake and being rational. Usually I am awake but not rational, or rational but not awake. Like Master has said,

“If this eye is not used well, however, one will always look at one object without seeing the other. That will not work, either. Thus, some people often see one side with one eye and the other side with the other eye.” (Zhuan Falun, Lecture Two)

To me, it felt as if my right side was rational and my left side was awake. Once I realized this I decided to merge the two. When they were put together, it became like the Taiji symbol and started spinning. I then saw a scene where I was either on a ship or I was the ship and around me was a storm. I then came to the understanding that karma is like a storm. Even though someone doesn’t like storms they will still come regardless. And to pay off the karmic debt is to weather the storm. I saw dark clouds with lightning and thunder and there were demonic shapes in there that were throwing the lightning and screaming the thunder at me while I kept on going on the ship. There was a field of light around the ship that came from within me and it kept the storm at bay. There were times when human thoughts crept up, and during those times I would realize it, then say to myself, “Be awake and rational.” I then saw that lighting would splinter the wood on the ship or tear the sails, but with my strong belief in Master and Dafa the light would shine brighter and the splintered wood would be sealed up and the sails would be re-sewn.

Second Exercise:

It was that way for most of the second exercise as well. Then I suddenly started to grow in size and became enormous. I saw the storm become smaller and smaller, until it became a small black cloud and I saw the end of the storm. Beyond it was the space of the universe which was empty and peaceful. In the center of the black cloud was a light, and this was the Buddha light shining, cleansing, purifying. I then came to the understanding that the storm that is karma has an end and it just takes endurance and weathering the whole storm. Like Master said,

“Shades of willows, blooms of flowers, a place to rest my head.” (Zhuan Falun)

I believe I was shown this scene to strengthen my cultivation path because before being shown this scene I had the human thought that there was no end in sight to eliminating karma and eliminating attachments.

Third Exercise:

During the third exercise I saw a pillar of light that went straight up and straight down past the storm and beyond the space I was able to see. I saw the black cloud being disintegrated and heading up and down with the light. Upon turning the wheel clockwise I could see the space of the universe coming inward into me with such peaceful energy.

Fourth Exercise:

During the fourth exercise I went from being very huge to very small. It became very bright and all around me was light. Not the light like the sun that makes a person squint, but a very soft glow. At first they were large with spaces between them. Then after every pass of my palm, they would explode and become smaller with infinitely more of them, and each time they would become smaller and more numerous. It was simply wonderful to see this scene as I knew it was the Buddha light shining and me being purified more and more each time.

I thank Master for allowing me to see these scenes and sharing it with fellow practitioners.

Above is my limited understanding. Please kindly point out any shortcomings.