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Taitung, Taiwan: Candlelight Vigil Calls for an End to the Persecution (Photos)

July 30, 2012 |  

(Minghui.org) On July 20, the 13th anniversary of the persecution of Falun Gong, practitioners from Taitung, Taiwan, held a candlelight vigil at the bank of the Chiben River. The event was to commemorate those who were tortured to death in the persecution of Falun Gong, and call for an end to the unjust persecution. Chiben is a famous tourist spot in Taiwan, and a lot of tourists from mainland China visit there every day. Many of them learned the truth about the persecution at the event.



The candlelight vigil


A tourist (middle) learning the exercises.


A Chinese tourist takes a picture of the candlelight vigil.

Mr. Chung Ting-pang, a Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioner, was arrested when visiting China one month ago. Practitioners called upon the public for help rescuing him. Many local citizens and tourists signed the petition, including some Chinese people.

A Chinese gentleman said to practitioners: “I am not afraid of the communist party. I am signing the petition, and I will ask my wife and children to sign too. We all support Falun Gong.”

A Chinese woman asked for the details of Mr. Chung's case. She said: “Although all the information about Falun Gong is blocked in China, I have broken through the internet blockade and learned the truth about Falun Gong, such as the fake Tiananmen Square 'self-immolation.' I also heard about the trend of quitting the party. While traveling around the world, I have seen Falun Gong practitioners everywhere, and I have learned more about Falun Gong. I know that the communist party lies about Falun Gong.” She was impressed by the candlelight vigil, and took a lot of photos of the event.