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Update: Ms. Sun Shuyun Released after Illness, Villagers Refuse to Recant Letter of Petition for Release of Her Husband Zheng Xiangxing

July 30, 2012 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) Villagers from the Tenth and Eleventh Farm in Tanghai County cosigned a petition letter requesting the release of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zheng Xiangxing, a well-liked person in the area known for his kindness (See the report on the Minghui.org website dated June 5, entitled “More than 200 Villagers from Tangyuan County, Heilongjiang Province Jointly Sign a Petition to Rescue Mr. Wang Zhengyu” http://en.minghui.org/html/articles/2012/7/2/134231.html). Ever since this incident was exposed in China, officials from the Public Security Bureau in Tanghai County and Li Fuguo, the director of the Tanghai County Domestic Security Division, spent several days talking to officials at the Farms and the local police stations. He threatened the villagers who signed the petition, ordering them to write a statement in opposition to the letter. All of the villagers refused to do so.

One villager, speaking for the group, said, “If Li Fuguo continues to harass us, or uses this excuse to go after us financially, we will report him to the central government. We do believe that there is a heavenly principle.”

In addition, after overseas media reported that 562 people cosigned a petition in an effort to rescue Zheng Xiangxing, Li Fuguo and police official Sun Jingsen from the National Security Division in Tanghai County organized the arrest of Mr. Zheng's wife Sun Shuyun at 7:00 a.m. on June 13. That evening, Sun Shuyun developed severe health problems. However, Li Fuguo refused to release her. Due to strong requests by her relatives, Ms. Sun Shuyun was finally sent back to her mother's home, which is located at the Third Team of the Tanghai Sixth Farm. According to witnesses, Sun Shuyun was unable to walk and had to be carried by relatives.