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The Appearance Stems from the Mind, the Environment Changes with One's Heart

August 15, 2012 |   By Huiwu

(Minghui.org) Teacher has taught us "the appearance stems from the mind" (“Fa Teaching Given at the Epoch Times Meeting”). For a long time, I couldn't enlighten to the meaning of this phrase. Through continuous Fa-study as well as continuous observation and analysis of the cultivation experience by my fellow practitioners and myself, I came to understand its profound Fa principles.

I remember that there was a female practitioner who went to Tiananmen Square to demand justice for Teacher. After she got there, she unfolded a banner, and as soon as she finished shouting her powerful statement, a police officer ran towards her. He grabbed her collar so she couldn't stand still, and was about to hit her. This all happened very suddenly. But this practitioner was not afraid, nor angry; instead, she turned around and gave this police officer a kind smile. Instantly, the police officer released his hand and became very respectful to this practitioner. This demonstrates perfectly, "The appearance stems from the mind, the environment changes with one's heart." Think about it, if at that time, this practitioner had been either very afraid or angry, how would this police officer have reacted? This practitioner's smile came from inside, it reflected her realm after many years of cultivation, it was truly benevolent, and it was the manifestation of a practitioner's true nature, which shook the world and the heavens. It was this practitioner's powerful and benevolent field that melted this police officer's cruel heart, a heart full of hatred, though once innocent and kind. In his heart, this police officer must have been shocked by the practitioner's manner and then thought, “This practitioner is so kind and compassionate, totally different from what is proclaimed in the CCP's propaganda!”

As long as a practitioner's xinxing is raised by one level, his or her energy field full of compassion will be enhanced. Under the effects of this field, the environment will become more and more favorable, one's influence will be wider and wider, and more and more sentient beings will be saved as a result of being moved by one's compassion. This is also a manifestation of, "The appearance stems from the mind, the environment changes with one's heart."

Our mindset will lead to tangible manifestations. If we want to achieve the best appearance, or environment, we need to cultivate the best heart - which means, the unshakable faith one has in Teacher and Falun Dafa, one's deep, concise and righteous enlightenment on the Fa. From there, we will cultivate a great heart full of kindness and forbearance. Of course, the ultimate and best environment is not in this human world, but at the extreme top level of the cosmos.

The above is what I have enlightened to through cultivation, please kindly point out anything inappropriate.