(Minghui.org) On July 12, 2012, the annual California State Fair was held in Sacramento.
Similar to previous years, local Falun Gong practitioners set up a booth in the Free Speech Zone to introduce this ancient cultivation practice and to raise awareness about the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong in China.

Falun Gong booth at the annual California State Fair
After the persecution of Falun Gong started in Mainland China in July 1999, local practitioners in California have attended the state fair every year to raise awareness of the persecution. As a result, many people have learned about Falun Gong. Many people recognize the booth and show their support by calling out, “Falun Gong!”
The state fair also draws many Chinese people who either come directly from Mainland China or other areas of the United States. They are all very friendly toward the practitioners, suggesting that more and more Chinese people have learned the truth. A Chinese international student listened to a practitioner’s truth clarification and also took some informational materials. Another young Chinese person read a banner aloud in Chinese: “Falun Dafa is good!”
A middle-aged American man asked the practitioners if the booth was about the same Falun Gong which is being persecuted in China. When he received confirmation, he commented, “The Chinese Communist Party is ridiculous!” He told the practitioners that he keeps up with news about China by reading the Epoch Times.
As an American woman passed by the booth, she pressed her hands together in front of her chest with full respect. There were also a number of people who expressed interest in learning the Falun Gong exercises.