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My Experience in Handling Difficult Situations While Discussing Falun Gong

September 13, 2012 |   By a Dafa practitioner from Hebei Province

(Minghui.org) Shortly after I started practicing Falun Dafa, I had a car accident. Our van went over a big ditch and landed safely in a corn field. Amazingly, no one in the van was injured, nor was the van damaged. Onlookers said that it was unbelievable to see the van flying in the air. My husband, who is not a practitioner, also benefits from Dafa. He has good health and is successful in his business. Whenever he encounters difficulties, he overcomes them successfully. My child also practices Falun Dafa. Dafa has opened up his wisdom. He is an A student and has entered a first class university. This is truly an example where “one person cultivates Dafa and the whole family benefits tremendously.”

Master has given me and my family everything. As a Dafa disciple, I need to walk my cultivation path well and save sentient beings with righteous thoughts. One time, a former classmate from high school, whom I hadn't seen for over 20 years, came home to visit her parents. She said that she wanted to come to my home and see me. In order to have the opportunity to let her parents know the facts about Falun Dafa, I decided to go see her instead. I bought some gifts for her parents and took a taxi to her home, which was quite a distance from my home. I told her parents the facts about Falun Gong and the facts about the persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They were very happy and acknowledged that Dafa is good. Although there was some interference in finding her house, because my former classmate had switched off her mobile phone, I felt very relieved because she and her parents were able to learn the facts about Dafa and thus were saved. On my way home, the taxi driver also learned the facts about Falun Gong. This trip was very worthwhile even though it was quite tiring.

When encountering sentient beings who need to be saved, we have to utilize our righteous thoughts. Master said in “Dafa Disciples Must Study the Fa - Fa Teaching Given at the 2011 Washington DC Metro Area Fa Conference,” “…it should be the righteous thoughts of a cultivator that guide you.”

We should hold firm in our minds that everything is for Dafa and interference should not play a role, and should not even exist. I put my heart and soul into saving sentient beings with righteous thoughts and break through any interference that prevents people from being saved. The following are some stories I would like to share.

Three young men were waiting for the bus at a bus stop. I went to “A” and said to him, “I would like to give you a copy of a Falun Gong pamphlet. You will have good fortune after reading it.” He said to me abruptly, “No thank you.” I was not moved and thought that I must dissolve the evil in other dimensions preventing him from being saved, and allow his knowing side the opportunity to choose a beautiful future. I went to “B” and “C” with such thinking. Both of them said to me, “Yes, I will read it.” Seeing his friends take the material, “A” then also agreed to read it. They all started to read the information right away. While they were reading, I took the opportunity to tell them about the goodness of Dafa and how the self-immolation incident was staged, and I also talked about the corruption of the CCP. They all agreed with me and replied very positively. The three of them withdrew from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. They said to me that there were 50 to 60 people at their work site, and since the practice is so good, they would promote it and tell everyone there the true facts about Falun Gong.

One day, I gave a Shen Yun DVD to a man who had a mean expression on his face. He said, “Did you give me this? I will report you to the police immediately.” I was not anxious or worried. I said to him that it was predestined that we met today and that he was a good man and I was a good person as well. I said to him that I gave it to him for his benefit. The atmosphere soon became less tense. I was sending righteous thoughts to dissolve the evil behind him and I believed that his knowing side was waiting for Dafa.

Dafa disciples are doing the most righteous things and don't deserve to be interfered with. I said to him that there was a Chinese saying, “Listen to both sides and you will be clear.” I explained that the DVD was very good and it would be a pity if he didn't watch it. I sincerely said to him from my heart, “Please have a look. It is for your benefit.” By then he had changed his attitude and said, “Ok, I will watch it and take it seriously. Thank you!” He also told me in a friendly tone that I should be careful.

On another day, I met a businessman while we were clarifying the truth to people and I gave him some materials. He said, “You will be sent to jail if I call the police.” I said to myself in my heart that Master has the final say about what happens. I came to save you and for you to have a good future. You shouldn't do anything bad. I said to him, “I have come to give you the opportunity to have a bright future. I believe that you will not do anything bad.” He changed his attitude immediately and was very happy.

Due to my solid Fa-study, I am able to manage the difficult situations. I am not afraid in those situations, knowing that I am doing the most righteous thing. With Master's help, I am able to do it well.

People who know the truth say “Falun Dafa is good!” Some people sing self-composed songs, such as “Falun Dafa is good, Falun Dafa is good...Falun Dafa is indeed good.” Others say to me, “Today I didn't earn any money but if I had, I would give it to you.” When people learn the truth, their knowing side is very happy and they express their thanks. I am very thankful for Master's boundless compassion. I know that Master has arranged everything for us. We merely have to listen to Master and use our legs and mouths, and have the thought to save people. Everything is done due to the boundless power of Dafa and Master's endless compassion.

Thank you Master, and thank you fellow practitioners.