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With True Cultivation, We Can Break Through Old Forces' Arrangements

September 15, 2012 |   By a practitioner from Sichuan Province, China

(Minghui.org) I had made several detours during my cultivation. However, because of my belief in Dafa, along with Master’s protection, my xinxing gradually improved. As I reached a better understanding of the Fa, I was eventually able to completely deny the evil's persecution.

I have gone through several persecution incidents. The fifth one I could never forget. The evildoers confiscated my Dafa informational materials and forcibly took me from my home directly to a detention center. They told me that I would be sentenced to at least three years in prison. I did some soul searching and looked for my attachments, but could not find any. However, one day a sentence I didn't commonly use came to my mind: "Holding on to godhood with one hand and to humanness with the other." Following this sentence, I discovered a series of attachments to fame, personal gain, human mentality, and self. I sent forth righteous thoughts in an attempt to remove those attachments. I felt they were getting weaker. At the detention center, I was soon transferred to a brainwashing class. Several practitioners detained with me acted as one body when studying the Fa. We studied the Fa, shared experiences, and looked inward every day. Soon, all practitioners, except one, were able to get out of the evil’s den.

Tribulations made me recognize deeply how important true cultivation is. After this incident, I looked inward whenever I encountered conflicts.

On December 7, 2010, I was illegally arrested because I clarified the facts about Falun Dafa to people. During my detention at a brainwashing center, I maintained a firm and stable state of mind and did not cooperate with the evildoers.

While being detained, I realized that I might suffer further persecution due to two big attachments: irrational thoughts and wanting to get a job done. Thus, I spent all of my time, except when I ate or slept, sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate these attachments.

I first clarified the facts about Falun Dafa and the persecution to people who had betrayed Dafa. I was successful in convincing one young woman, and she then helped me when I practiced the exercises at night. She also gave me her home telephone number and asked me to explain the truth about Dafa to her husband when I get out. Another person was poisoned too deeply; thus, I couldn't convince her, as she refused to listen to the truth.

The evildoers talked to me five times in order to “reform” me and make me give up the practice of Falun Dafa. During the previous persecution incidents, I had taken the initiative to clarify the facts to the perpetrators and then asked them to quit the Communist Party. This time, however, I let them talk first and waited for an opportunity to bring up the facts. As a result, at the end I had a chance to talk more.

One official from the 610 Office wanted to talk to me. When I entered his office, he said: "You are here for one week. Let us talk about how you feel." I didn't respond to him right way. We had two conversations prior to this one, during which I had been in a hurry to tell him about quitting the Party in order to have a better life, but he had stopped me right then and there. This time I waited for him to speak first; then I asked him not to stop me when I talked. He agreed and indeed did not interrupt me when I spoke. I first confirmed my determination to cultivate in Dafa and then talked about the greatness of Dafa. He listened quietly. Security guards and several collaborators were present as well, and they also listened quietly. When I started to talk about how the communist regime is persecuting Dafa practitioners, however, he stopped me.

He said: "Why you don't you listen to the government and stop practicing? Why do you want to fight with the government?" I did not argue with him and instead asked him: "Is there a law in China that states that practicing Falun Dafa is not allowed? Does the Constitution mention that freedom of belief is not allowed?" He was speechless. I continued: "Falun Dafa has spread to more than 100 countries around the world, but it is persecuted in China. Does this seem normal?" The people in the room had different reactions: some agreed, and some seemed confused.

Two days before I was released from the brainwashing center, I suddenly had a thought: “It is not necessary for me to be here. I should get out of here.” Sure enough, two days later, after 23 days of detention, I was released.