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Falling and Learning a Lesson the Hard Way

September 24, 2012 |   By a practitioner in Sydney, Australia

(Minghui.org) I'm a Falun Dafa practitioner in Sydney. Unexpected and sudden pathological changes to the skin on my neck seriously damaged my otherwise healthy body. I was taken to the hospital and told that I had to have two operations.

The doctors suggested that it would be difficult to cure me and the process would be fraught with danger. It was a one-of-a-kind case, so they wrote it up for publication. Personally, I had an extremely rough time and had to fight the old forces' arrangements.

At one point during my ordeal, I left my body, but with hints from Master I returned and survived. I saw practitioners assisting Master rectifying the Fa, which was splendid. After waking up, I remembered what had happened and that a familiar voice had told me, “Go back! You need to start from the beginning.”

I was drained of energy but clear of mind and appreciated Master's help, but also felt very guilty. The old forces almost took my life and I was confused. To get past the confusion I looked inward. I ignored the doctor's and my relatives' warnings. I focused on saving sentient beings, getting involved in projects, and did a lot of other Falun Dafa work. But, I didn't get rid of human attachments. I thought that I had fully immersed myself into the Fa, understood what was expected of a practitioner, and had cultivated to a high level. Yet, my family life was not harmonious, and I did not make progress in my cultivation. I wasn't sure if I firmly believed in Falun Dafa.

Overcoming a Disturbed Mind

Why? Why did I become disturbed? I enjoyed reading the Falun Dafa books and I knew in my heart that I would find the reason why I failed. My recovery surprised the doctors. I felt full of energy and my health improved gradually. Several days later, I was transferred out of intensive care.

Now I could study the Fa but had difficulty seeing the characters clearly. I then enlarged the characters in Hong Yin and read the first three verses that night. As I read one after the other, my face was covered with tears. I experienced a spectacular historical vision, but I can't express my feelings in words.

The next day, I read Teacher's most recent publication and was touched. I listened to some of the Fa lectures and read each lecture several times. As I read, I realized that I hadn't really understood much before. Actually, I wasn't clear on the Fa and I didn't believe the Fa in some respects.

“As I have always said, as Dafa disciples your historic missions are simply huge, with you shouldering the responsibility of saving sentient beings. So for sure there is a path that you will be able to walk through to completion. It is a path that has to meet the requirements, and only that way will the sentient beings of the cosmos admire you and not be able to interfere; will your path be free of problems; and will your journey go smoothly. Otherwise, if you are carrying all sorts of attachments and human thoughts, you will meet with a great deal of trouble, and that trouble will serve to block your path.” (“20th Anniversary Fa Teaching”)

When reading the Fa, I realized that the Fa-rectification is approaching fast. Practitioners should know their responsibilities and have established a good environment, or there might be difficulties. Master has told practitioners this fact. Now, I finally understood this Fa truth.

Master told us to look inside, but I always took this to be a method for avoiding conflict, improving one's character, and harmonizing the environment. I didn't know that looking inward is a fundamental principle and the core for righteous thoughts. Looking inward would lead me in righteous cultivation and help me eliminate all evil and old forces' arrangements, which I had to negate. Not understanding that created my tribulation and I failed the test. That was a hard lesson.

Cultivation is serious. Now, I understand deeply that no matter how many Falun Dafa projects I complete, I must be diligent and not neglect my Fa study. If I study the Fa in a perfunctory manner, I won't understand what I read and can't have righteous thoughts.

Master said:

“But, as long as you go by Dafa, go by what Master has told you, you will have a path to walk, and that will be something nobody can change. But the path will be very narrow—narrow to the extent that only if you are extremely righteous will things work out and will you manage to save people. Only if you can go about things in an extremely righteous manner will there be no problems. ” (“What is a Dafa Disciple”)

I experienced a major tribulation, but I now know that, for a practitioner, everything one encounters is a good thing. It is good that I passed this difficulty. I now have a new understanding of the Fa. I believe that my attachment of being proud is being eliminated.

I finally understood what Master said:

“When I saw students who came out of China, I urged them to tell the students who haven’t stepped forward to quickly do so—to have them quickly find those lost students and spell the facts out for them, for what they otherwise face is a most tragic of ends. (“20th Anniversary Fa Teaching”)

As Fa-rectification period practitioners, we eliminate the evil in all dimensions and save sentient beings. We are protected by Master, so we can accomplish this tough task. The old forces' arrangement has nothing to do with us. If we give up, it's the same as betraying Master and the result will be terrible.

I'm still recovering, but I continue to do what a Fa-rectification period practitioner has to do. I continue to work on Falun Dafa projects. I feel great energy whenever I study the Fa, do the exercises, and send righteous thoughts. I greatly appreciate Master's help, especially because Master gave me a second life, so I have a new start.