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Changchun Computer Shop Owner Mr. Li Wei Repeatedly Arrested

October 24, 2013 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Jilin Province, China

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Wei was arrested in Changchun, Jilin Province, for selling computer accessories in his computer shop that "could be used by Falun Gong practitioners to produce informational materials."

On June 2, 2013, Mr. Li Wei was arrested at home by Domestic Security Division personnel and police from Changchun Economic Development Zone. They ransacked his home and detained him in Changchun No. 3 Detention Center for more than two months. This was Mr. Li's fourth and latest arrest.

Flimsy Grounds for Arrest

Mr. Li has run a computer shop for several years. Changchun Political and Legal Affairs Committee personnel, agents from the 610 Office, and police accused Mr. Li of selling mobile phones, printers, and computers in the shop, all of which "could be used by Falun Gong practitioners to produce truth-clarification materials." This prompted them to accuse him of breaking the "law."

The Procuratorate of Changchun Economic Development Zone refused to accept the case. The Political and Legal Affairs Committee and 610 Office didn't want to release Mr. Li, so they fabricated evidence against him to get him sentenced to prison.

Cured of Hepatitis B

Mr. Li, 45, grew up with poor health. In 1994 doctors diagnosed him with Hepatitis B. Mr. Li had to stay in the hospital for treatment for a long time. In 1997, he started practicing Falun Gong. After that, his health improved, and the Hepatitis B was cured without medical treatment.

After the Chinese Communist Party started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, Mr. Li was fired from his job for practicing Falun Gong. He was detained and jailed several times.

Previous Incidents of Persecution

On March 14, 2002, Mr. Li was arrested by Chaoyang police and held in Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp for two years. When he first arrived at the labor camp, his face was beaten black and blue. In 2002 he was again punched in the face and seriously disfigured. In early 2003, Mr. Li was severely tortured, and his health deteriorated dramatically.

On December 8, 2006, Mr. Li was illegally arrested at home by Ziyoudalu Police Station officers. He was soon tortured to the brink of death.

On January 13, 2007, police officer Wang Yugang told Mr. Li's family to bail him out. Wang forced Mr. Li's family to pay 5,000 yuan. After Mr. Li returned home, the police repeatedly harassed him. Later, Mr. Li had to leave home to allow his health to recover.

On February 27, 2008, at 8 p.m., Mr. Li was arrested at home by police. He staged a hunger strike to protest the persecution in Changchun No. 2 Detention Center .

On June 2, 2013, Mr. Li was arrested and held in Changchun No. 3 Detention Center.

Contact Information for the Parties Responsible for Persecuting Mr. Li:
Zhang Guochen (张国臣), head of Changchun Economic Development Zone Police Department: +86-431-84651533 (office), +86-431-87211111 (home), +86-13364600001 (cell) Li Yongli (李永利), head of Domestic Security Division: +86-431-84643942