(Minghui.org) Two school-age children have been without their mother for over three months. Their mother Ms. Liu Yuxiu was {{illegally arrested} on September 7, 2013, by agents from the Decheng District Domestic Security Division and was detained at the Dezhou City Detention Center, Dezhou, Shandong Province. Their dad works out of town.
Ms. Liu’s mother-in-law is taking care of the children. However, at her advanced age, she is constantly tired. The family is very concerned about Ms. Liu's safety and is looking forward to her safe return as soon as possible.
Domestic Security policemen have made unannounced visits to the detention center a dozen times to interrogate Ms. Liu in an attempt to collect more so-called "evidence" to justify charging her. Not getting what they wanted, the officers went to the bank to obtain records of Ms. Liu's savings account for revenge.
The police also harassed Ms. Liu’s daughter at her school several times. They embarrassed the girl by interrogating her about her mother in front of the teachers.
Five practitioners including Ms. Liu, Ms. Luo Baoqing, and Ms. Cheng Bi drove to the home of practitioner Ms. Xu Shiying on September 7, 2013. They were surrounded at the entrance by a team of police led by Zhang Xikun. They were arrested and the house was ransacked. The police took 40,000 yuan (around $6600) in cash and six printers among other things. They also took Ms. Liu's backpack containing her ID, a deposit certificate for more than 30,000 yuan, and about 1700 yuan in cash.
The police ransacked Ms. Liu’s home that same day and confiscated a desktop computer, laptop, and other personal belongings. They also confiscated laptop computers from Ms. Xu Shiying’s and Ms. Cheng Bi’s homes and took Dafa books at Ms. Luo Baoqing’s workplace.
When Ms. Liu was detained at the North Hubin Street Police Station, the police pressured her to sign a list of things that they had taken from her home. Since she didn't thing she had committed at crime, she refused to sign. The police grabbed her arm and forced her to.
When her children and relatives asked for Ms. Liu's release, the police threatened to lock them up if they did not leave. The police even hired a locksmith to open the basement of Ms. Liu’s home without notifying the family. Among other things, the police took away many printers that were being repaired.
Ms. Liu and Ms. Luo are still being held in the Dezhou City Detention Center. They are forced to do slave labor to assemble plastic flowers from 6 a.m. until 10 pm. They are not given enough food, and their family members are not allowed to bring them clothes or other necessities. Detainees have to buy toiletries and clothing in the center at higher prices. The center makes a profit by selling such items to the detainees.