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Teacher from Tianjin Wrongfully Imprisoned for Three Years

August 18, 2013 |   By a Minghui correspondence in Tianjin, China

Summary of Key Persecution Facts:

Name: Wang Shijun (王士君)
Gender: female
Age: 56
Address: Yianxi District, Yangcun Town, Wuqing District, Tianjin City
Occupation: Teacher
Date of Most Recent Arrest: July 29, 2009
Most Recent Place of Detention: Tianjin Women's Prison (天津女子監獄)
Detention City:
Persecution Suffered:
Detention, brainwashing, illegal sentencing, imprisonment, torture, extortion

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Shijun has been unlawfully imprisoned in the Tianjin Women's Prison for three years. When her family went to visit her there on February 22, 2013, they learned that she had lost her eyesight as a result of torture. The prison still refuses to release her.

Ms. Wang was supposed to be released last year. However, the prison illegally extended her prison term.

Lawless Police

Ms. Wang is 56 years old. She used to teach at the Nansi Elementary School in Huangzhuang Township, Wuqing District. Before she started to practice Falun Dafa, Ms. Wang had three tumors in her brain. The tumors miraculously disappeared after she started the practice.

On July 29, 2009, Ms. Wang posted informational flyers about Falun Dafa in Yangcun Town. For this, Sun Shuyuan and Xu Quan from the Quanxing Road Police Station illegally arrested her.

Soon afterward, Chen Dejun and several plainclothes policemen from the Wuqing Domestic Security Division broke into Ms. Wang's home and confiscated her computer, Falun Dafa books, and other personal belongings.

At 2 p.m. on November 9, 2009, a captain with surname Chen from the Wuqing Domestic Security Division told Ms. Wang's family to come to the Quanxing Road Police Station to pick up the computer. He told them to bring the police-issued receipt for the confiscated item. However, the police had never issued this receipt.

The family went to the police station and asked why the police had not identified themselves, nor given any receipts when they had confiscated Ms. Wang's property. The officers disregarded their questions and told them to sign some documents.

As the police had learned that Ms. Wang's family hired a defense lawyer for her, they were trying to fabricate the legal documents that should have been issued when they searched Ms. Wang's home on July 29. They used the excuse of giving the computer back to bring the family to the police station in an attempt to trick them into signing these documents.

Secret Trial and Unlawful Imprisonment

In the afternoon on November 17, 2009, the family went to Wuqing Court and inquired about Ms. Wang's case. The court staff said that a decision had not been made.

The very next day, Ms. Wang was secretly tried and sentenced to three years in prison.

In January 2010, Ms. Wang's husband and daughter went to the Wuqing Detention Center to visit Ms. Wang. Guard Liu Xiangyang told them to pay 200 yuan. When they asked for a receipt, Liu became angry and threatened them.

Ms. Wang was taken to Tianjin Women's Prison on January 6, 2010. However, the prison refused to accept her because her blood sugar was dangerously low.

On February 3, 2010, the police again took Ms. Wang to the prison. This time, the prison accepted her, even though her health had worsened since the previous exam.

Corruption in the Prison

Ms. Wang's family visited Ms. Wang in the prison on February 22, 2013. At the end of the visit, a captain with the surname Cui (badge number 1210338) took the family's visitation permit from them and tore it up. When the family questioned him, he said that if they continued to allow the family to visit her, they would not be able to brainwash her.

One of the guards also told the family the reason for extending Ms. Wang's prison term: “Because your whole family practices Falun Dafa, including the 3-year-old. That is why.”

The family demanded to take Ms. Wang home to treat her eyes. However, a captain from Ward No. 5 with surname Yu (badge number 1210071) refused to release her, saying that her condition was not serious.

The family then asked Yu to sign a piece of paper promising to have Ms. Wang's eyes treated in the prison. Yu refused and then told Ms. Wang's sister to talk her out of practicing Falun Dafa. Her sister did not give into the blackmail.

Even though Ms. Wang could not see, the guards still forced her to work. They also assigned inmates to monitor Ms. Wang around the clock.

Agencies and People Involved in the Persecution

Tianjin Women's Prison:
Address: No. 199, Lingzhuangzi Road, Nankai District, Tianjin, China 300381
Phone: +86-22-23072069

Zhou (first name unknown), a captain at the prison, badge number 1210308

Quanxing Road Police Station in Wuqing District, Tianjin:
Telephone: +86-22-82191826
Gu Liang, director, badge number 430366

Huang Yuzhu, deputy director, badge number 430328

Policemen in charge of arresting practitioners:
Sun Shuyuan, badge number 430471: +86-13920736218 (C)
Xu Quan, badge number 430812: +86-13920685210

Chen Dejun, captain of Wuqing District Domestic Security Division in Tianjin: +86-13920489757 (C)

Wuqing District Domestic Security Division in Tianjin: +86-22-82167111, +86-22-82167103

Wuqing District Detention Center in Tianjin: +86-22-82171513

Wuqing District Court in Tianjin:
Sun Shengguo, deputy director: +86-22-29360206 (C)

Yao Xuexi, presiding judge of the criminal court
Liu Deyun, judge
Li Zonglian, judge in charge of trying Falun Dafa practitioners (she has unlawfully sentenced dozens of practitioners to prison): +86-22-29334970 (O)