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Additional Persecution News from China – August 20, 2013 (16 Reports)

September 30, 2013 |  

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 16 cities or counties in 10 provinces. According to this report, 15 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during detention, and at least 14 practitioners were illegally arrested.


1. [Muleng City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Liu Lilan Arrested
2. [Qinyang, Henan Province] Ms. Ren Haiying and Ms. Wang Chunfeng Detained
3. [Penglai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Huaqin Detained
4. [Boxing County, Shandong Province] Three Elderly Practitioners Detained

5. [Jing County, Hebei Province] Mr. Wan Zhongming Persecuted in Handan Forced Labor Camp
6. [Xishui County, Guizhou Province] Ms. Zhu Xingbi Arrested
7. [Dazhou City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Zhai Dawei Detained
8. [Chongqing] Ms. Gao Xingfang Arrested
9. [Gaomi City, Shandong Province] Mr. Li Deshan and Mr. Rong Gang Arrested

10. [Pingshan County, Hebei Province] Mr. Gao Baidan Arrested
11. [Lushan County, Sichuan Province] Mr. Zhang Jun Arrested
12. [Nantong, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Cai Mingfang Sentenced to Prison
13. [Huachi County, Gansu Province] Mr. Wei Suichun Sentenced to Prison
14. [Qingyang City, Gansu Province] Ms. Cai Aiyun and Mr. Ren Yongjun Arrested

15. [Wuhan, Hubei Province] Ms. Fang Yunbao Transferred to Brainwashing Center
16. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhang Deyan and Other Practitioners Sentenced to Prison

1. [Muleng City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Liu Lilan Arrested

Ms. Liu Lilan from Xinzhan Village, Maqiaohe Town, was arrested at home by local police chief Song Jianing and personnel from the Mudanjiang Political and Legal Affairs Committee on August 15, 2013. Her whereabouts are unknown.

2. [Qinyang, Henan Province] Ms. Ren Haiying and Ms. Wang Chunfeng Detained

Ms. Ren Haiying and Ms. Wang Chunfeng from Zhaozhai Village, Ziling Town, were on their way to Shennong Mountain to talk to the tourists there about Falun Gong when they were arrested on the morning of July 12, 2013.

Six or seven policemen from the Qinyang Domestic Security Division and Ziling Police Station ransacked Ms. Ren's home and confiscated her computer, printer, and Falun Gong books and materials.

The two practitioners were sent to the Qinyang Detention Center the same day. Ms. Wang was released 13 days later. Ms. Ren was transferred to the Jiaozuo Detention Center.

Parties involved in the persecution:
Li Yaowen, Communist Party secretary of the Qinyang 610 Office: +86-391-5693610, +86-13839108291
Li Yongqing, deputy director of the Qinyang 610 Office: +86-13569155630
Hou Li, deputy director of the Qinyang Police Department: +86-13949666088
Chen Jinping, deputy chief of the Ziling Police Station: +86-13782648557

3. [Penglai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Huaqin Detained

Ms. Li Huaqin, in her 60s, was arrested while distributing informational materials about Falun Gong in Sanjiatan Village on the night of August 18, 2013. The Domestic Security Division of the Penglai Police Department ransacked her home the next day and confiscated an MP3 player and other items.

Ms. Li has been detained in the Beigou Town Detention Center.

4. [Boxing County, Shandong Province] Three Elderly Practitioners Detained

Ms. Zhang, Ms. Yang and Ms. Meng were arrested for talking to people about Falun Gong in Guanmen Village, Chenhu Town. They were taken to the Binzhou Detention Center by officers from the Chenhu Police Station. All three elderly practitioners are former employees of the Chunliang Oil Company in Chenhu Town, Boxing County.

5. [Jing County, Hebei Province] Mr. Wan Zhongming Persecuted in Handan Forced Labor Camp

Mr. Wan Zhongming from Liangji Township was sent to the Handan Forced Labor Camp in 2008. He was detained there for 21 months. The labor camp added unknown drugs to his meals. As a result, even after his release, his mind is not clear. He is slow to react and walks slowly.

6. [Xishui County, Guizhou Province] Ms. Zhu Xingbi Arrested

Ms. Zhu Xingbi from Taolin Township was forced to become homeless to avoid arrest. She returned to her hometown on July 21, 2013, because her older brother passed away. She was arrested as soon as she arrived home. Her whereabouts are unknown.

7. [Dazhou City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Zhai Dawei Detained

Mr. Zhai Dawei was arrested while he talked to people about Falun Gong in a supermarket on the morning of August 17, 2013. The police ransacked his home and sent him to a detention center.

8. [Chongqing] Ms. Gao Xingfang Arrested

Ms. Gao Xingfang from Rongchang County was arrested on August 19, 2013.

9. [Gaomi City, Shandong Province] Mr. Li Deshan and Mr. Rong Gang Arrested

Four policemen barged into Mr. Li Deshan's home on August 15, 2013, and arrested him. They confiscated six computers, a printer and other property.

Four officers from the Weifang Police Department broke into Mr. Rong Gang's home and arrested him on August 19, 2013. They confiscated a copy of Zhuan Falun.

10. [Pingshan County, Hebei Province] Mr. Gao Baidan Arrested

Mr. Gao Baidan was arrested by An Zhijun and other officers from the local police station when he talked to people about Falun Gong in Shangzhuang Village on the morning of August 13, 2013. He has since been released.

Parties involved in the persecution:
Kang Wenhu, Village Communist Party secretary: +86-13832157436
An Zhijun: +86-15931395609
Yang Jie: +86-15930110140

11. [Lushan County, Sichuan Province] Mr. Zhang Jun Arrested

Mr. Zhang Jun, a Falun Gong practitioner, was a prison guard at the Miaoxi Forced Labor Camp in Lushan County. Three plainclothes policemen arrested him at home around August 10, 2013.

12. [Nantong, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Cai Mingfang Sentenced to Prison

The Nantong Intermediate Court sentenced Ms. Cai Mingfang, 74, to three years in prison in late July 2013. She was sent to the Nantong Women's Prison.

13. [Huachi County, Gansu Province] Mr. Wei Suichun Sentenced to Prison

Officers from the Domestic Security Division of the Huachi Police Department arrested practitioners Mr. Wei Suichun and Ms. Yang Mei on June 4, 2012. Mr. Wei was the chief of the town justice office at the time. He was recently sentenced to three years in prison.

Ms. Yang is disabled and works in the county finance bureau. She was released after being held in the Qingcheng Detention Center for more than 30 days.

14. [Qingyang City, Gansu Province] Ms. Cai Aiyun and Mr. Ren Yongjun Arrested

Ms. Cai Aiyun from Fengbao Village, Dongzhi Town, was arrested in her apartment in the Xifeng District in July 2013. Police confiscated her printer and other property.

Officers from the Qingyang Police Department ransacked Mr. Ren Yongjun's home on July 19, 2013. Mr. Ren was arrested and held for 15 days.

15. [Wuhan, Hubei Province] Ms. Fang Yunbao Transferred to Brainwashing Center

Ms. Fang Yunbao, 63, a retired teacher, was arrested and sent to the Haidian Detention Center on November 2, 2012. She was then sentenced to two and a half years of forced labor and transferred to the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp.

About 10 guards from the labor camp escorted Ms. Fang to Wuhan on July 23, 2013. She has been held in the Yangyuan Brainwashing Center ever since.

16. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhang Deyan and Other Practitioners Sentenced to Prison

On July 10, 2013, the Wanghua District Court held a session to try the following practitioners in the Nangou Detention Center: Ms. Zhang Deyan, Mr. Sun Haifeng, Mr. Mu Guodong, Ms. Wang Yumei, Ms. Wang Guihua, Mr. Zhao Jiwei, Ms. Chi Xiuhua, and Ms. Shang Liping.

Ms. Zhang Deyan was sentenced to three and a half years in prison on August 13, 2013. Other practitioners were also sentenced.

Parties involved in the persecution:
Wanghua District Court: +86-24-56652466, +86-24-56671907, +86-24-6689471
Fushun City Police Department: +86-24-52787320
Liu Fusheng, deputy director: +86-24-52648467, +86-24-52630695, +86-13942310003