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Ms. Tao Xizhen on Hunger Strike for Eighty Days

November 12, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Hubei Province

(Minghui.org) Ms. Tao Xizhen (陶席珍), in her sixties, has been on hunger strike since August, when she was illegally arrested for her belief in Falun Gong. On October 29, 80 days after her arrest, she was transferred to Xianning Detention Center, where the guards have tortured her despite her worsening health. Meanwhile, it has been learned that the authorities plan to sentence Ms. Tao to prison without formal legal procedures.

On the morning of August 8, 2014, a dozen police officers forced their way into Ms. Tao's home and took her away. They ransacked her place without a search warrant. Her family did not know where she was taken. When her daughter went to the local authorities to seek her release, she was turned away.

Tao Xizhen's house after it was ransacked

Officer Liu Ying admitted that he and other agents had been on a stake-out near Ms. Tao's house for several days before the arrest. An eyewitness said Ms. Tao was taken downstairs in handcuffs by four officers, pushed into a police car and taken away. Police then ransacked her home, emptying the cupboards and drawers. Clothes and personal belongings were tossed everywhere.

Ms. Tao is from Xianning City, Hubei Province. Her husband has passed away, and her children are married and live in another city. Her children are extremely worried, given Ms. Tao's long-term hunger strike and continued abuse in Xianning Detention Center.

Related article:Ms. Tao Xizhen on Hunger Strike to Protest Illegal Detention; Family Not Allowed to Visit

Officers involved in the arrest:

Yao Xiong (姚雄), an officer from Xianning City 610 Office,Liu Hongzhou (刘红洲), director of the Xianning City Police Department,Zou Yu (邹誉), head of the Xianning City Domestic Security Division,Liu Ning (刘宁), head of the Wenquan District Domestic Security Divisionpolice officers Mr. Wu and Liu Ying