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Additional Persecution News from China – July 15, 2014 (17 Reports)

July 22, 2014 |  

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes persecution that took place in 14 cities or counties in 11 provinces. According to this report, 5 Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during detention, at least 26 practitioners were illegally arrested.

1. [Jinan, Shandong Province] Three Practitioners Arrested
2. [Gangu County, Gansu Province] Gangu Detention Center Refused to Allow Ms. Ma Xiaojuan's Attorney to Meet with Her
3. [Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Wang Guirong Detained
4. [Tanghe County, Henan Province] Mr. Dang Changhua Detained
5. [Wulumuqi, Xinjiang] Ms. Pan Xiuhua Arrested
6. [Wulumuqi, Xinjiang] Practitioner Kong Arrested
7. [Jinan, Shandong Province] Two Practitioners Arrested
8. [Yiyuan County, Shandong Province] Two Practitioners Arrested
9. [Yiyuan County, Shandong Province] Mr. Li Yongde Sentenced to Five Years of Imprisonment
10. [Beihai, Guangxi Province] Seven Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested
11. [Xi'an, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Ma Suifang Detained
12. [Changchun, Jilin Province] Ms. Guo Jinlan Arrested
13. [Qing'an County, Heilongjiang Province] Two Practitioners Arrested
14. [Shihezi, Xinjiang] Mr. Yan Chengjian Arrested
15. [Nan County, Hunan Province] Two Practitioners Sentenced
16. [Chengdu, Sichuan Province] Ms. Xu Biju and Her Husband Arrested
17. [Xinji, Hebei Province] Ms. Ma Qing Detained

1. [Jinan, Shandong Province] Three Practitioners Arrested

Mr. Li Jin, Ms. Li Fenglan, and another practitioner surnamed Yu were arrested on July 2, 2014. The police also ransacked Mr. Li and his parents' homes on the same day.

2. [Gangu County, Gansu Province] Gangu Detention Center Refused to Allow Ms. Ma Xiaojuan's Attorney to Meet with Her

Ms. Ma Xiaojuan's family and attorney went to the Gangu Detention Center to meet with her on July 11, 2014. The warden refused to let them see her. The attorney asked the detention center to grant his client the right, guaranteed by the constitution, to a meeting. The warden contacted Du Li, chief of the Qinzhou District Domestic Security Division. They still refused to allow Ms. Ma's attorney to meet with her.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Ma Xiaojuan:Du Li, chief of the Qinzhou Domestic Security Division: +86-13893892820, +86-938-8363102, +86-938-8293545Li, warden of the Gangu Detention Center: +86-8993856218

3. [Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Wang Guirong Detained

Ms. Wang Guirong was arrested by the police from the Zhenjiang Train Station when she distributed Falun Gong materials near the train station on the afternoon of July 10, 2014. The police ransacked her home on that night. Ms. Wang is being held.

4. [Tanghe County, Henan Province] Mr. Dang Changhua Detained

Mr. Dang Changhua was arrested on July 2, 2014. He was taken to somewhere in Nanyang.

5. [Wulumuqi, Xinjiang] Ms. Pan Xiuhua Arrested

Ms. Pan Xiuhua was arrested around July 10, 2014.

6. [Wulumuqi, Xinjiang] Practitioner Kong Arrested

More than 20 police officers broke into the home of a practitioner surnamed Kong and ransacked it around June 20, 2014. The police arrested the practitioner.

7. [Jinan, Shandong Province] Two Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Cheng Shuxiang and Mr. Zhao Chengyao were arrested at home on the night of July 3, 2014.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Cheng Shuxiang and Mr. Zhao Chengya:Li Yong (李勇), chief of the Daqiao Police Station: +86-531-88099399, +86-13361089927Zhu Hongwei (朱洪伟), instructor: +86-531-88099399, +86-15505319765Yao Rong (姚嵘), deputy chief: +86-531-88099399, +86-13969195277

8. [Yiyuan County, Shandong Province] Two Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Jin Zhenhua and Ms. Zhou Guoying from Yiyuan were arrested by the police from Yuezhuang Town when they were talking to people about Falun Gong on July 13, 2014.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Jin Zhenhua and Ms. Zhou Guoying:Miao Xingman (苗兴满), Political and Legal Affairs Committee: +86-533-3241081Yiyuan County 610 Office: +86-533-3223610Zhou Wenguo, (周文国), chief of the Domestic Security Division of Yiyuan Police Department: +86-13606433597, +86-533-2136530

9. [Yiyuan County, Shandong Province] Mr. Li Yongde Sentenced to Five Years of Imprisonment

Mr. Li Yongde from Qianshuibei Village, Dongli Town, Yiyuan County, was arrested on February 8, 2014. He was recently sentenced to five years in prison.

10. [Beihai, Guangxi Province] Seven Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested

Mr. Shi Xuan, Ms. Li Daoqiong, Ms. Li Fengnan, Ms. Li Shanglian, Zheng, Huang, and Ye were arrested by Wei Jujiang from the Beihai Police Department and over ten police officers from the Gaode Frontier Police Station on the night of July 12, 2014. They were taken to the police station, had their photos taken, and were searched. After being interrogated for a couple of hours, they were released.

11. [Xi'an, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Ma Suifang Detained

Ms. Ma Suifang and another practitioner were reported for talking to people about Falun Gong on July 13, 2014. The other practitioner managed to escape. Ms. Ma was arrested by officers from the Dizhai Police Station. She is being held at the Xuanpingyuan Brainwashing Center in Xi'an.

12. [Changchun, Jilin Province] Ms. Guo Jinlan Arrested

Ms. Guo Jinlan was arrested by officers from the Yongji Police Station when she was talking to people about Falun Gong on July 13, 2014. Her whereabouts is unknown.

13. [Qing'an County, Heilongjiang Province] Two Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Li Yanqiu and Xiao Niu were arrested on July 14, 2014.

14. [Shihezi, Xinjiang] Mr. Yan Chengjian Arrested

Mr. Yan Chengjian was reported and arrested by officers from the Domestic Security Division of No. 147 Military Unit when he was talking to people about Falun Gong on July 10, 2014.

15. [Nan County, Hunan Province] Two Practitioners Sentenced

Mr. Zhang Xinjiang and Mr. Zhang Huasheng from Datonghu were each sentenced to three years of imprisonment in early June 2014.

16. [Chengdu, Sichuan Province] Ms. Xu Biju and Her Husband Arrested

Ms. Xu Biju and her husband, Mr. Wang Santian, from the Qingbaijiang District were arrested on July 11, 2014. The police ransacked their home and confiscated their computer, printer, DVDs, and a DVD burner.

17. [Xinji, Hebei Province] Ms. Ma Qing Detained

Wei Chaohui, chief of the 610 Office of Xinji Domestic Security Division, and others broke into Ms. Ma Qing's home on the morning of July 10, 2014. Ms. Ma was taken to the Shangchangjie Police Station and then transferred to the Shijiazhuang No. 2 Detention Center.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Ma Qing:Wei Chaohui (魏朝晖), Xinji Domestic Security Division: +86-13930125316Zhanqian Police Station: +86-311-83222790Shangchangjie Police Station: +86-311-83237998