Falun Dafa Minghui.org www.minghui.org PRINT

Help is Always Available

November 05, 2015 |   By a Western practitioner in the United States

(Minghui.org) By circumstances only He could arrange, Teacher Li recently made it clear to me that it was time to rid myself of deep-seated attachments that have held me back for many years. To remind myself that I am never without help, I sometimes look at a picture I took several years ago.

My employer sent me to Washington, DC, for a training course during the summer of 2008. One night, we visited the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial.

Franklin Roosevelt served four terms as president of the United States, and was the only president to serve more than two. He held the post during the United States' worst financial crisis—the Great Depression—and during most of World War II.

I took several pictures with a digital camera, including one of a small man-made waterfall. When I uploaded the photos to my computer, I adjusted the contrast for nighttime lighting, and was amazed to find hundreds of what appeared to be Faluns in the photo of the waterfall.

One Falun was so bright, that when I enlarged it, I could make out the images of rotating tajie.

I apologize for not sending this photo to Minghui sooner. Back in 2008, I waited, because I wished to enlighten as to why the Faluns appeared at that moment, in that place. The answer never came, and I never began this article.

Perhaps one factor is that I work in an organization that President Roosevelt founded. I do not believe that could be a coincidence. Perhaps the entire Washington, DC, environment is filled with that many Faluns; after all, thousands of practitioners have gathered in that city for many events over the years.

Although I have not enlightened to the full reasons that Faluns appeared in my photo, I am sure of one reason they did: to bolster my faith and confidence. If my mind is wavering, and I look at and contemplate this photo, my mind becomes steady, and my righteous thoughts firmer. Why should I waver if so much help is around me in other dimensions?

I had a very traumatic life before I began practicing Falun Dafa in 2001, which made it difficult at times to solidify my righteous thoughts. I feel that this photo is a gift from Teacher to help strengthen me.

To close this article, a quote from Master's poem “The Master-Disciple Bond” (Hong Yin II):

“When disciples have ample righteous thoughtsMaster has the power to turn back the tide.”