Today’s Articles
Oct. 22, 2016
About Dafa
- Account of Relentless Brainwashing and Torture in Anhui Women's Prison
- Mr. Zhou Wei Arrested for Hanging up a Falun Gong Banner
- Productive Youth: Taiwan University Students Travel to Hong Kong to Tell Chinese Tourists about Falun Gong (Part 3)
- Sentenced to Seven Years, Ms. Xie Jianping Declares in Court: 'I am Innocent'
- Ms. Xia Cruelly Tortured for Her Belief
- Podcast (Cultivation): “Walking Toward Godhood in Master's Grace”
- What Causes Us to Fail to Look Within? (Part 1)
- The Importance of Removing Attachments
- Be Mindful of Our Image During Group Exercise Demonstrations
- Thank You, Master, for Saving Me Time and Again
- It's Important to Treat Falun Dafa with Respect
- Additional Persecution News from China – October 4, 2016 (10 Reports)
- Additional Persecution News from China – October 5, 2016 (7 Reports)