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Lawyer for Critically Ill Practitioner Files Criminal Complaint against Prison

Sept. 20, 2016 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Chongqing, China

(Minghui.org) The lawyer for Mr. Liu Daoquan, a critically ill and unlawfully imprisoned Chongqing practitioner, filed a criminal complaint with the Yubei District Court against the Chongqing Prison Management Bureau on September 2, 2016.

Mr. Liu Daoquan, before and after being persecuted

The complaint charges the prison with denial of a lawyer’s right to meet with his client and denying the client proper medical attention.

Mr. Liu's family hired the lawyer on May 27, 2016. After prison authorities kept the lawyer from meeting with his client, the lawyer submitted a complaint against the prison and hospital authorities on July 25.

The Yongchuan Court declined to accept the case and returned the complaint to Mr. Liu's father on August 13. After the lawyer protested, court officials agreed to consider the issue further.

Parents File Lawsuit

Mr. Liu's parents filed a lawsuit with the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Chongqing Discipline Inspection Commission on July 18, 2016. Neither has responded thus far.

“As a law-abiding citizen,” his father said in his complaint, “my son was almost tortured to death because he refuses to renounce his faith and wishes to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

“We, the parents of Mr. Liu, who are in our 70s, are responsible for his grandfather who is over 100 years old. We are threatened and harassed by police officers and government officials, which causes a lot of fear and anxiety.”

Shuttled Back and Forth Between Hospitals and Prison

Within a period of two months, Mr. Liu Daoquan was taken to the intensive care unit (ICU) of a local hospital twice because he was near death from a brain and lung infection.

According to a reliable source, the president of the prison hospital went to Southwest Hospital, a local and not prison-affiliated hospital, on July 9, two weeks after granting Mr. Liu medical parole, to check on Mr. Liu's condition.

Under orders from the 610 Office, the prison officials withdrew the medical parole, claiming “improved health,” and transferred Mr. Liu back to the prison.

Four days after his return to the prison, Mr. Liu's family was informed that he had been again transferred to the local hospital’s ICU.

Then, while he was still unconscious and incontinent, prison officials transferred him back to the prison on August 9.

Recap of Persecution History

Mr. Liu Daoquan, 45, a business owner from Chongqing, is serving an eight-year term in Yongchuan Prison. The sentence was handed down by the Shapingba District Court on October 16, 2014.

He went on several hunger strikes to protest the wrongful incarceration and brutal treatment, with the last starting on April 1, 2016.

Previous reports:Mr. Liu Daoquan Transferred to Yongchuan Prison from Hospital ICU

Business Owner Near Death in Prison, Father Denied Visit

Chongqing Man on Hunger Strike to Protest Prison Sentence for His Faith

Chongqing Business Owner Sentenced to 8 Years at Third Trial