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My Cultivation Improved After the 610 Office Destroyed My Factory

August 15, 2018 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) I had run a successful food company with my son, and spent twenty years building up the business until it was worth several dozen million yuan.

I owned a two-story building. The ground floor was for business and manufacturing food products, while the first floor was my residence. The factory alone covered 4,000 square meters.

Huge Ordeals Come from Nowhere

Several dozen large men with tattoos broke into my building on the morning of May 3, 2011. They grabbed me and my two son's and bundled us into a van.

We then saw several dozen law enforcement vehicles arrive, with about five hundred thugs to surround my company compound. Personnel from the 610 Office stood at the gate directing proceedings.

All of my employees working in the factory at the time were driven out. My nephews and other relatives, who were there, were beaten badly and thrown into the river across from my factory.

Several cars were smashed and pushed into the river as well. My factory was bulldozed and razed to the ground.

My sons and I were taken to the police station, where they checked the content of my computer.

Someone in the police station told me that they had planned to destroy my business and put me in prison because I practice Falun Dafa. However, the police chief said that what they had done already made me suffer enough.

I knew that Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa, had prevented extra tribulations on me.

I was released later that night, but my home was leveled to the ground.

My son went to Beijing to appeal but was arrested and locked up somewhere. They wouldn't release him unless he guaranteed that he wouldn’t appeal anymore, or tell anyone of his ordeal.

Exposing My Attachments

The old forces had exploited my attachment of seeking worldly material possessions and used these bad guys to ruin me.

My lawyer friend came to see me, and said, “How can you be so calm after your family has experienced such a huge disaster?! If it happened to anyone else, they would probably have had a heart attack and dropped dead by now!”

I replied, “If it happened to an average person, he would probably find it very difficult to go on living with his livelihood destroyed and his family broken. However, I'm a cultivator. The wealth is only worldly material possessions. My fundamental faith cannot be touched, because my fundamental faith is in the Fa.”

All I have, including my life, was given to me by Master. My true belongings would not be lost. And, I wouldn’t fight for those things that don't belong to me.

It was time to abandon all my human attachments.

Master said:

“Since you are qualified, true cultivators who have met the standard, you cannot be threatened by loss of money or material interests; and those are things that a cultivator needs to let go of, anyway.” (“Eliminate Your Last Attachment(s)” From Essentials for Further Advancement II)

Master has suffered greatly to extend more time for us to save more people. Our mission is vital. Nothing could interfere with me doing the three things that practitioners are supposed to do.

I wanted to study the Fa more and then go out to save people.

It was hard to stay calm at first, as the evil, crazy acts of the perpetrators often came back to my mind.

I had to study the Fa more, and send righteous thoughts more. I studied four lectures of Zhuan Falun every day. Gradually, I was able to calm down and study the Fa with attentiveness. I looked lightly at my lost material wealth and removed my hatred for those responsible, and gained a much deeper understanding of Master’s Fa.

Master stated:

“The Fa can break all attachments, the Fa can destroy all evil, the Fa can shatter all lies, and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts.” (“Drive Out Interference” From Essentials for Further Advancement II)

Talking to People about Falun Dafa Face-To-Face

From 2011 to this day, except for some special circumstances, I have gone out to talk to people about Falun Dafa and helped them quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.

A middle-aged man was standing on the roadside one day, counting his change. I walked over, and said, “It's good to meet you. I’d like to tell you a few things that will help you stay safe. Have you joined the CCP, Youth League or the Young Pioneers?”

He said that he had joined all three.

I told him about Falun Dafa, how the CCP persecutes kind people, and why he should quit the Party.

He told me that he was a policeman, so I said, “Being a policeman is your job to make a living for you and your family. It's no different from any other job. You look like a good person, so I hope you can avoid disaster, keep safe and have a good future.”

He seemed pleased to quit and told me his family name. I told him not to persecute Dafa practitioners, and instead to treat them kindly to receive blessings. I also told him to remember the words “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

On another occasion, a middle-aged couple walked over to me. I greeted them with a smile. I turned to the wife and said, “Your husband is so good! He helps you with the groceries. You look like a couple who really love each other!”

They seemed pleased to hear that.

I said, “It is a predestined relationship for us to meet each other. Let me tell you a few things.” I then began to tell them about Falun Dafa.

In the end, I asked the husband if he had joined the CCP and its affiliated organizations. He said that he had, and showed me his employment card. He said, “Check and see what kind of job I do!”

His card showed that he worked for the Provincial Public Security Bureau.

I told him that about 30 Party members who worked for the Central Party School announced as a team to quit the CCP, and it was published on the Epoch Times website. I told him that I could help him quit as well using a pseudonym. Then he could still go to work as normal and pull through disasters safely.

He said, “Ok, I'll quit!” His wife also quit the Youth League and the Young Pioneers.

Through my numerous experiences of talking to people about Falun Dafa, I have come to realize that the number of people I could help quit was directly related to the state of my Fa-study and xinxing, and if I had a pure mind to save people.

Initially, I could help between ten to twenty people quit the CCP each day. Then after a while, it was fairly easy to help around twenty people quit each day.

I thought that I should be able to do even better. I told Master in my mind that I wanted to save more people, so I asked Master to strengthen me.

The result was that I was able to help 30 or more people to quit. I thought that I could do even better, so I asked Master for help again.

I could then help over 35 people quit each day.

Everything was done by Master, who knows a true disciple’s heart.

In the course of clarifying the truth, my character has gradually improved. Many of my human notions and attachments were removed, or I took them more lightly, such as attachments to “self”, a strong competitive mentality, hatred, showing off, seeking profit, sentimentality towards my children, and lust.

I truly know that my whole life has been given to me by Master. The only thing I must do is to assist Master in rectifying the Fa and save sentient beings and fulfill my vow. Except for this, there is nothing else I should do.

I thank Master for his merciful protection!