Today’s Articles
Jan. 29, 2021
About Dafa
- Review | Movie: Eternal Fifty Minutes
- Why Did the "Father of China's Aerospace" Refuse to Attack Falun Dafa?
- Turkey: Clarifying the Truth During the Pandemic -– None of Our Efforts Are in Vain
- Young Practitioner: I Became Diligent Again
- After Surviving Multiple Detentions and Two Labor Camp Terms, Sichuan Engineer Is Jailed Again for Her Faith
- 81-year-old Woman Sentenced to 4.5 Years for Her Faith That Cured Her Breast Cancer
- Hunan Woman Develops Heart Problem Six Months into Her Wrongful Prison Term for Practicing Falun Gong
- Tianjin Woman Secretly Imprisoned for Her Faith
- Beijing Man Sentenced to 3.5 Years for Raising Awareness about the Persecution of His Faith
- War Veteran and Former Communist Party Member Grateful to Falun Gong
- My Son Is Blessed Because He Knows Falun Dafa Is Good
- Dafa Brings Protection, Peace, and Prosperity
- Eliminating Jealousy
- People Anxiously Seeking Salvation
- Recent Experiences with Making Truth-clarifying Phone Calls
- Severe Arm Pain Gone After Sending Righteous Thoughts