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Inexplicable Things Are All Related to My Cultivation

Oct. 30, 2021 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) When I went to vocational school, I met another student on the first day of classes and we became good friends. We got along well and sat together. She lived closer to the school than I did, so I often went to her house. Sometimes I stayed overnight, and we would chat until late into the evening. We hung out for three years and developed a deep friendship.

I became a Falun Dafa practitioner in the early spring of 1999. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution of Dafa, I gave up the practice for seven years because of my human notions.

Several years later this friend and I worked for the same company and were on the same team. Of all my coworkers on the team, I felt closest to her. I returned to Falun Dafa a few years later, and I helped her and her husband quit the CCP and its youth organizations.

After some time I noticed that she was behaving rudely towards me. She talked and laughed with others, but her tone of voice often changed when she talked to me. She looked impatient and sometimes found fault with me.

I knew her well. She was an earnest, modest, and humble person. She rarely spoke ill of others and avoided conflicts, a rarity in today’s society.

Her behavior puzzled me, especially since I had been good to her. Out of our entire team, I seemed to be the only person she had issues with. I was distressed. I tried being extra nice to her, but it didn’t help. Her smile disappeared as soon as she saw me.

It then occurred to me that I should look at the issue from the perspective of cultivation. I felt closest to her because we were once best friends.

I realized I was too attached to our friendship. Cultivators ultimately have to let go of all things in the human world. I relaxed once I decided to let go of my attachment to our friendship. I stopped offering her food from my lunch.

A few days later she changed. She spoke to me respectfully and treated me even better than when we were classmates. At first I was surprised, then I calmed down. It didn’t matter anymore how she treated me, as I was not moved. I finally realized that the reason she treated me poorly was to help me get rid of my emotional attachment.

As a cultivator, the inexplicable things I encounter are all related to my cultivation. Problems can only be solved by looking at things from the perspective of cultivation, searching within, and eliminating human notions and attachments.