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An Amazing “Lost and Found” Story

Dec. 24, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) After finishing the group Fa study one day, a fellow practitioner gave me a list of more than 80 people who quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its two junior organizations, as well as more than 2,000 yuan in cash. I counted them and put them in the inner pocket of my coat. 

The cash was for me to print information about Dafa on it, as a way to raise awareness about the persecution given the strict information censorship in China.

After I returned home, I wanted to put the list and the cash in a secure place, but I was stunned to find my inner pocket was empty! I searched frantically up and down, inside and outside of all my pockets, but nothing was there! I was so terrified that my mind went blank. I could make up the cash from my own pocket, but what about the precious name list of sentient beings who placed the hope of their future in us!

I searched over and over again in all possible storage places, but it was a futile effort.

In desperation, I decided to go back to the home of the fellow practitioner who hosted the Fa-study. On the way there, I searched carefully but found nothing.

When I arrived at the practitioner’s home, I told him what had happened, and asked him if he saw I left the list and the cash at this house. But he did not find anything in his house either. 

I went home and it took me a while to calm down. Suddenly, I thought of a sharing article about a fellow practitioner who also lost a name list of people who quit the CCP and retrieved it by the supernormal power of teleportation.

I thought why not give it a try? I sat down to send strong righteous thoughts and ask for Master's help to retrieve the list of names and cash.

After a restless night, I continued to be in agony over the loss the next morning. My wife saw I was still upset, and she began looking for the list and the cash. She opened the drawer of a desk I use often and exclaimed, “Oh, here they are, the cash and the name list!” 

With a jolt, I swooped over to take a look and was greatly impressed! I was completely amazed by Dafa's divine power!