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Additional Persecution News from China – April 29, 2022 (8 Reports)

May 24, 2022

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 8 cities or counties in 6 provinces, where at least 10 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Rizhao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhang Shanjuan and Ms. He Nailin Face Trial
2. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Xinhua Arrested
3. [Qiyang City, Hunan Province] Ms. Li Xueqi Sentenced to Eight Months in Prison
4. [Xichang City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Li Qiong Arrested
5. [Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Jian Chunlan and Ms. Hong Yinguang Arrested
6. [Kaili City, Guizhou Province] Ms. Luo Qinxian Ordered to Return Pension
7. [Datong City, Shanxi Province] CMs. Xing Gezhen’s Case Sent to Court
8. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Gong Hua Arrested

1. [Rizhao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhang Shanjuan and Ms. He Nailin Face Trial

Ms. Zhang Shanjuan, 66, and Ms. He Nailin, 80, were arrested in June 2021. They developed symptoms of sickness and were denied admission to the detention center. They were released on bail. Now the county procuratorate has sent their cases to the Wulian Court.

2. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Xinhua Arrested

Ms. Zhang Xinhua was arrested by officers from the Nandajie Police Station on April 28, 2022, for telling people about the persecution.

3. [Qiyang City, Hunan Province] Ms. Li Xueqi Sentenced to Eight Months in Prison

Ms. Li Xueqi from Qiyang City was reported to the police for distributing informational materials about Falun Gong in Changsha City where she was helping take care of her grandchild. Deng Chuxiong and three other officers from Yinpenling Police Station in Changsha City followed Ms. Li to Qiyang City on June 21, 2021. Along with Qiyang City officers, they broke into Ms. Li’s home and arrested her. They ransacked her home and seized a laptop computer, a printer, two cell phones, Falun Gong books, and other items. Ms. Li was taken to the Yinpenling Police Station that afternoon and held overnight. She was interrogated and forced to have her photo taken.

Ms. Li was taken to the Changsha City Hospital the next day for a physical exam, then to the Liuyang City Detention Center and held there. She was forced to have her photo taken, give her fingerprints, sign a statement defaming Falun Gong, watch TV programs that slandered Falun Gong, and do labor work.

Ms. Li was sentenced to eight months of imprisonment on December 29, 2021, by the Wangcheng District Court in Changsha City, charged with “sabotaging law enforcement.” She was forced to wear the detention center uniform, clean, take turns being on duty, do manual labor and take unknown drugs. She was released on February 22, 2022. Agents unsuccessfully attempted to extort 10,000 yuan from her.

4. [Xichang City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Li Qiong Arrested

Ms. Li Qiong was arrested on April 10, 2022, by Li Mingfang, the head of the 10th group in Ziku Village, and others. It was said that her arrest was the fault of Luo Hongxiang, Party secretary of Ziku Village, who reported her to the police for distributing informational DVDs about Falun Gong. Ms. Li was told that she would be held in detention for 10 days, but that was not carried out because of the pandemic. Ms. Li returned home about 11 p.m. that night.

Huang Ping, deputy Party secretary of Langhuan Town, gave orders 10 days later that Ms. Li was to come in and sign statements that defamed Falun Gong. If she refused, she was threatened with having her water and electricity turned off.

5. [Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Jian Chunlan and Ms. Hong Yinguang Arrested

When Ms. Hong Yinguang went to Ms. Jian Chunlan’s home on April 26, 2022, she was arrested by plainclothes officers who had been monitoring Ms. Jian’s home. Ms. Jian’s home was ransacked, and a printer, a paper cutting knife, two computers, a Falun Gong book, and printing paper were seized. Ms. Hong’s home was also ransacked, and 20 Falun Gong books, a hand-written Falun Gong book, three cell phones, two speakers, an MP3 player, five envelopes, and postage were confiscated. The women were released on bail the same evening.

6. [Kaili City, Guizhou Province] Ms. Luo Qinxian Ordered to Return Pension

Ms. Luo Qinxian was arrested on October 12, 2021, by officers from the Kaili City Domestic Security Division for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. Her arrest was officially approved in November 2021. Her case was scheduled to be heard in court on April 12, 2022. After her lawyer, hired by her family, arrived at the court, the court authorities decided to postpone the trial to a date to be decided later.

Guizhou Provincial Social Insurance Bureau officials sent an official letter to Ms. Luo’s employer on April 13, demanding that she return her pension issued to her after December 2021. They cited the fact that Ms. Luo’s arrest was officially approved. The bureau threatened a lawsuit if the funds were not returned.

7. [Datong City, Shanxi Province] Ms. Xing Gezhen’s Case Sent to Court

Ms. Xing Gezhen’s case has been sent to the Yungang District Court in Datong City.

8. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Gong Hua Arrested

Officers from the local State Security Bureau ransacked Ms. Gong Hua’s home on April 18, 2022, and seized a laptop computer, a cell phone, an Ipad, a copy of Zhuan Falun, a copy of Hong Yin VI,and more. She was taken to the police department the same day. After her younger brother gave them 5,000 yuan in cash, Ms. Hong was released on bail.