(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in Indonesia came together in Batam on August 13 and 14 to show people how good Falun Dafa is and to inform them about the persecution in China.
Practitioners introduced Falun Dafa at the newly-opened One Batam Mall in Batam’s city center on Saturday, August 13, 2022. Many tourists had come to shop at the new mall.
Practitioners demonstrated the five exercises and their waist drum team played songs to spread the joy of Falun Dafa to the crowds. The waist drums’ unique sound attracted many people to the stage, and people found places to sit to watch and listen to the performance.
Practitioners distributed truth-clarification materials to the audience while the emcee told people about Falun Dafa and how it is being persecuted in China.
Practitioners in Batam demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises at One Batam Mall.
The waist drum team, made up of Falun Dafa practitioners, perform at One Batam Mall.
Audience members learn the Falun Dafa exercises
A few tourists started to learn the exercises at the event, and some asked for information about practice sites. After the exercise demonstration, practitioners hosted a question and answer session. Practitioners shared some of their cultivation experiences and how much joy the practice has brought them. They also told how they live by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance in their daily lives.
People at the mall learn about Falun Dafa.
Falun Dafa practitioners participated in an Independence Day parade organized by the Batam city government on Sunday, August 14. They gathered at the parade starting point with other participants from government institutions, schools, and community groups to get ready for the parade.
Falun Dafa practitioners in Batam participate in the 77th Independence Day Cultural Parade organized by the Batam City government.
The Falun Dafa waist drum team performs in front of the VIP platform.
The Mayor of Batam and other government officials stood on the stage of honor while the Falun Dafa practitioners divided into two groups, one to play the waist drums and the other to hold up white and red flags and balloons. Several officials joined the waist drum team to take photos with practitioners.
When the Falun Dafa parade entry passed the stage, it was broadcast by many local media. The parade organizers also explained Falun Dafa to the crowd.
According to local media reports, the hot weather did not dampen the mood of the spectators. About 10,000 people attended the event that day.
Falun Dafa practitioners distribute Falun Dafa brochures to spectators.