(Minghui.org) Practitioners held an event at Callao Square in the center of Madrid on September 28, 2022. They come there every weekend to tell people how Falun Dafa is persecuted in China and collect signatures on a petition to help end it.
Practitioners collect signatures to help end the persecution of Falun Dafa. Many people read the display boards and talked with practitioners.
Callao Square is located next to Gran Via, the most famous street in Madrid, where many businesses and theaters are located. The street intersects many streets and is always crowded.
Many people stopped in front of the practitioners’ booth. They read the poster boards and truth-clarification flyers and signed the petition to support practitioners’ efforts to end the persecution. Some asked, “What can I do to help?” while others helped distribute truth clarification flyers. Many tourists were interested in learning about Falun Dafa as practitioners peacefully did the exercises surrounded by the bustling metropolis. They stopped and watched practitioners. Some took photos or video-recorded practitioners.
Sabrina and Stefani hoped their signatures could help end the persecution.
Sabrina and Stefani, two university students from Madrid said they were attracted to the melodious music as practitioners did the exercises. They were shocked to learn the details of the persecution in China and asked how such brutal and barbaric acts could take place in today’s civilized society. They hoped their signatures helped end the persecution and bring justice.
Two young people helped distribute truth-clarification materials.
Two young people passed by the practitioners’ booth and were shocked when they saw the pictures on the poster boards. They signed the petition immediately and asked, “What else can we do to help you?” With practitioners’ consent, they began distributing flyers and telling people about the persecution.
A middle-aged man said he previously heard about the CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa but did not know about the live organ harvesting. After he signed the petition he asked practitioners for more truth-clarification flyers and said, “I want to distribute these materials to some of my business partners. People should know about the CCP’s 24-year-long genocide. It’s time to expose the CCP’s evil nature.”
A local resident from Madrid said, “This is my second encounter with Falun Dafa. I still have the little lotus hanging in my house that I received several years ago.” He said, “This persecution needs to be stopped! Practitioners are doing a great job. I will always support you! I wish you all the best!”
As nightfall came many people continued stopping by the practitioners’ booth. They were interested in Falun Dafa and signed the petition to show their support.
A young couple looked at the poster boards for a long time. The young woman said, “How can one persecute a good person who has a faith? Thank you for telling us about this. I will do my best to tell people about Falun Dafa. It’s everyone’s responsibility to tell others about this.”
Two young girls stood in front of the poster boards and took pictures of practitioners being persecuted and subjected to forced live organ harvesting. They were shocked that the persecution was happening. They signed the petition and one of the girls said, “I cannot believe such a terrible thing is happening in this world. I hope that the injustice done to these practitioners will end soon.”
A tourist from China explained that his grandfather was persecuted by the CCP so he knew the regime is evil. He said that he did not join the Party or the Youth League, “However, I did join the Young Pioneers while in elementary school.” He told practitioners his surname and asked them to help him withdraw from the Young Pioneers using a pseudonym.
A woman from Brazil came to the booth when the activity was about to end. She signed the petition as soon as she learned the truth about Falun Dafa. Her eyes were filled with tears when she saw pictures of practitioners being persecuted. “I hope this persecution ends soon!” she exclaimed.
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