(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners hosted the “Stop the CCP’s Live Organ Harvesting Poster Exhibition” at the Asaka City Industrial Culture Center in Saitama Prefecture from September 29 to October 1, 2023.
On the last day of the exhibition, the organizers screened “Human Harvest,” a documentary about the state-sanctioned human organ harvesting from living practitioners, including the active transplant chain in China. After seeing the poster exhibition and the documentary, people in the audience said they had a deeper understanding of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) willingness to commit atrocities and wanted more information about Falun Gong.
The “Stop the CCP’s Live Organ Harvesting Poster Exhibition” was held at the Asaka City Industrial Culture Center from September 29 to October 1.
Screening “Human Harvest,” a documentary about the state-sanctioned human organ harvesting from living practitioners in China
Viewers Shocked at the CCP’s Atrocities
In addition to the posters, in a separate room, visitors could watch videos detailing human organ harvesting crimes from living practitioners in China. People’s expressions turned solemn after learning the facts, and some were even moved to tears, stunned that such cruelty can still occur in this day and age.
A woman in her 50s said, “I had never heard about this. It’s so cruel. I was so shocked that I couldn’t speak.” Through tears, she asked what she could do to help.
A commentator told her that people could talk to their legislative representatives to pass a law to stop the crime and that some local councils had passed resolutions that they submitted to Congress. The woman said she would share the information with her friends and would bring them when the event returns.
A teenage girl said that this was the first time she’d heard about organ harvesting from the living. “It’s very sad that so many people have had their organs harvested while they were still alive.” She wanted to do something to help, so she said that she would tell her friends. She also took photos to share online.
A man came to see the poster exhibition with his high school daughter. “I saw the flier that said, ‘Silence means siding with the persecutors’ and felt that I had to come and learn the truth.” He also said that he would bring his friends when the event returns.
A man in his 50s said, “Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to learn the facts. I didn’t know that the CCP was responsible for such evil. I don’t think Taiwan should become part of China. I will tell others I know what I saw today.”
Screening the Documentary “Human Harvest”
A screening of the documentary “Human Harvest” was held on the afternoon of the last day of the exhibition. It left the audience feeling heavy-hearted.
Some said that they knew that the CCP regime was a dictatorship, but they never realized that it was so evil. “Harvesting organs from living people and selling them for profit is not human behavior,” someone remarked.
Some viewers said that they already thought that the CCP was bad, but now they had a deeper understanding of just how bad. “I hope those Japanese politicians who are pro-China can clearly see just how evil the CCP is,” one said.
When viewers raised questions, such as, “Why does the CCP suppress Falun Gong?” and “Why do Falun Gong practitioners refuse to give up their faith despite such a severe suppression?” the practitioners were able to provide in-depth, thoughtful answers.
Some people said that they wanted to learn the Falun Gong exercises.
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Category: Organ Harvesting