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Dafa Helped Resolve My Grievances with My Ex-husband

Oct. 4, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I started to practice Falun Dafa in 1998. During these years, I have experienced the joy of obtaining the Fa and the pain of not being able to pass xinxing tests. But what’s most memorable is the ease and happiness after my xinxing improved. There are no words to express my gratitude to Master.

Master Gave Me Good Health

I was a picky eater since I was a child. My health was poor and I was weak. My marriage was not satisfactory, and after giving birth, I suffered from postpartum pain. As I grew older my health deteriorated. I had chronic gastritis, nervous headaches, cholecystitis, bronchitis, neurosis, low back pain, leg pains, and much more. I had pain or discomfort all over my body. I really felt miserable.

I was given the precious book Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, in the winter of 1997. I read the book every day after I finished my housework. The more I read it, the more I loved it and the better I felt. My physical discomfort disappeared. My husband was no longer so annoying, and I stopped scolding our child. My family became calm and peaceful. I read Zhuan Falun twice and then borrowed the other Dafa books published at that time. Before I formally practiced the exercises, Master purified my body, and I really knew what it felt like to be free from illness.

I formally started cultivation in 1998. I have been healthy for more than 20 years. Thank you, Master!

Conflicts Point Out Where I Need to Improve

Before I began practicing Falun Dafa, my husband had an affair. He seldom came home and squandered our money. He even took the money I borrowed from my mother’s relatives to start a business. He ate, drank, and had fun. I was heavily in debt. He wanted to be with that woman and asked for a divorce. After dragging on like this for a year, we went through with a divorce.

I sold my small house and paid off some of the debts. There was a little left to pay for my child to go to school. I had to be frugal. Practicing Dafa made me healthy, and I no longer had any medical expenses. It took me six years to pay off my ex-husband’s 50,000 yuan debt. I also spent more than 10,000 yuan that I’d saved up to pay the social security and medical insurance expenses my ex-husband owed. It helped him resolve his financial worries and provided for his old age. I used the remaining several thousand yuan to buy a small house and let him live in it.

Although he lived with that woman for several years, they never married. My family said I shouldn’t care about him. But I am a practitioner who cultivates according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and I should listen to Master and be a good person.

Because I was raised in communist China, I was an atheist and I didn’t believe in reincarnation, let alone retribution for good and evil. Master’s teachings were like a golden key that opened the locks in my heart that had been sealed. I knew I had to pay off karmic debts from other lifetimes. In the midst of conflicts, I remained calm and peaceful.

The person my daughter had just started dating invited me to dinner. I thought they shouldn’t have to pay, so I gave them two hundred yuan. As I was waiting for the bus, my ex-husband came over, and I saw my daughter give the money to her father. After a while his woman came, and my ex-husband handed the money to her. I saw it and so did my daughter. My daughter was very angry and wanted to scold him. I stopped her and told her to let him be and not argue.

Master’s teachings dissolved my resentment, I no longer felt bitter and exhausted. If I hadn’t been a cultivator, I would have gone over and slapped my ex-husband and taken the money back—I would have had to show off to others that I was strong!

When my daughter got married, I organized the wedding and invited my ex-husband to join us. After she married, my daughter went to live with her husband’s family in another city, and I went to stay with her. My ex-husband lived in the small house I’d bought.

A few years ago, my ex-husband’s woman died of a stroke. My daughter and I began to take care of my ex-husband. We bought his food and clothing. He sensed my tolerance and kindness. He praised Falun Dafa and said practitioners are all good people! Recognizing that Dafa is good, he withdrew from the CCP’s youth organizations. He helped practitioners by keeping their Falun Dafa books when they were in danger, and he was blessed. During the area’s relocation project, the humble small house was demolished and turned into a two-unit condo.

Thank you, Master! I hope people can understand the truth about Falun Dafa and be saved by Master. Please remember that Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!