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Fundamentally Eradicate the Old Forces’ Arrangements

Nov. 2, 2023 |   By Ming Jian, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) My wife and I are both Falun Dafa practitioners. Ever since the persecution of Falun Dafa began in 1999, the police have frequently harassed us and our family.

As the Fa rectification process moves forward and Dafa practitioners continue to send righteous thoughts, we can sense that evil beings are being continually eliminated. With the death of former dictator Jiang Zemin and the disintegration of the 610 Office, the overall situation is improving. The police weren’t as hostile as before.

Last month when my wife visited her parents in her hometown, however, the police there did harass her. The police in our town also called her and ordered her to return home. They even threatened that the Political and Legal Affairs Committee would send someone to fetch her if she did not return by the end of the month.

This puzzled me: Dafa practitioners have already eliminated a large number of evil beings with their righteous thoughts. Why have the police, merely mortal beings, been able to persecute practitioners for so many years? Is it because we have not sent enough righteous thoughts? Or because we have not improved our cultivation? Or perhaps we didn’t comprehend the Fa well enough?

I recalled Master’s poem, “Benevolent Might” in Hong Yin:

“Dafa is what you carry everywhere,Zhen Shan Ren, rooted in mind;A great Arhat walks the earth,Gods and demons fear with awe.”

Evil beings dare not blindly attack Dafa practitioners. The constant harassment and persecution must be due to our lack of righteous thoughts. Our sending forth righteous thoughts has not generated enough power to thoroughly cleanse other dimensions.

I understand that the lives of human beings are pre-arranged and correspond to certain manifestations in a special dimension. The old forces’ arrangements for practitioners must also exist in another dimension. We should send strong righteous thoughts to fundamentally and completely negate these arrangements by destroying the old forces along with their arrangements in that dimension. Doing so will rectify other dimensions, consequently correcting the path of cultivation. Things in the human world will unfold naturally thereafter. So I strengthened my efforts in sending positive thoughts to cleanse the layers of dimensions, from the microscopic particles to the macroscopic.

When my wife returned home, I shared my understanding with her. We continued to send strong righteous thoughts together.

Two days later, a young police officer and residential committee members met with my wife. They asked about her trip and relayed the message from the Political and Legal Affairs Committee that she had to submit a statement to renounce Falun Dafa and report to them every month.

My wife wasn’t bothered. She just clarified the facts to them and urged them not to take part in the persecution, because it would not be good for them if they did. To our surprise, the officer did not try to pressure her and admitted that he didn’t really know what the “renouncing statement” was all about. He left soon after and hasn’t come back.

Through this incident, I feel that we must remain firm in our righteous thoughts and have faith in Dafa, no matter how severe the persecution may look on the surface.

Above is my personal understanding. Please point out anything not on the Fa.