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Eliminating Corrupt Thoughts of Disrespecting Master Amid Tribulations

Nov. 20, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I had a toothache for six days, during which time, I saw many shortcomings in myself. I did not seriously face a tribulation, and did not pay attention to sending forth righteous thoughts. I was attached to my physical body, and did not have enough faith in Falun Dafa and Master Li (Dafa’s founder).

As I continued to look inward, the unbearable pain subsided by the seventh day, but I still had the toothache, and it hurt when I ate. I didn’t dare lie on my left side when sleeping, as it hurt when I pressed against it. It also hurt for a while when I woke up in the morning. It’s now less painful, but it is not completely gone.

I continued to deny the old forces’ persecution, and was wary of my unwillingness to endure the physical hardship, as well as my desire to recover quickly. I thought, “I don’t accept the old forces’ arrangements. I will only accept Master’s arrangement.”

I endured the pain every day, but it was not getting better. It didn’t affect my work. However, the continuous discomfort was irritating at times. On the night of the 19th day, I became annoyed and thought, “This is not getting better, when will it end?” I was depressed, and fell asleep feeling irritable.

When I woke up the next day, I realized why I was annoyed. Didn’t I leave it to Master? Was I annoyed with Master’s arrangements? I saw that my irritability contained complaints and doubts about Master. I felt that I had done everything right and cultivated as much as I could. Why was I still not well?

This truly shocked me! I paid great attention to maintaining my righteous faith in Master, and didn’t expect the problem to be hidden here. I thought, “My true self must be extremely pious and strongly believe in Master. How could I let these corrupt thoughts disrespect Master? Master has endured so much for me in my cultivation, put so much effort into offsetting my sins and has tried to enlighten me. How could I allow such corrupt thoughts to exist?” I immediately sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate my annoyance and the corrupt factors behind it.

Afterward, whenever my teeth hurt, I would thank Master. The toothache soon became less and less painful. The issue that I was fighting against subsided, and my body relaxed. At my level, I also understood Master's teaching in “Let joy be found in hardship.” (“Tempering the will,” Hong Yin).

I am extremely grateful to Master for his compassionate enlightenment, which helped me find these corrupt thoughts of disrespecting Master and the Fa. It allowed me to constantly rectify my relationship with Master and Dafa, and walk the right path of cultivation.

Thank you, Master!