(Minghui.org) On January 20, 2023, the eve of the Chinese New Year, Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong, published an article on Minghui.org “How Humankind Came to Be.” He also authorized The Epoch Times and NTDTV to reprint the article to pass the message to people around the world. 

Master Li said,

“New Year’s would normally be a time for sharing a few pleasant remarks about the occasion. But I am seeing imminent danger approaching humanity, and have been called upon by divine beings to pass along, for this reason, several things to everyone in this world. Each of what I am about to disclose is a higher, closely guarded secret, and these are being shared to provide a true picture of affairs, and to give people another chance at salvation.” (“How Humankind Came To Be”)

Today’s world is plagued with all kinds of disasters – the devastating war between Russia and Ukraine, the crisis in the Taiwan Strait, tense geopolitical disputes and world economic recession, environmental degradation, promiscuity, drug abuse and so on. The COVID pandemic alone has killed nearly seven million people around the world according to government-reported data.

In China, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s cover-up of and misinformation about the pandemic has caused unprecedented damage to the nation. In particular, after the CCP abruptly ended its zero-COVID policy on December 7, 2022, infections and deaths exploded across the country, with medicines in short supply, and hospitals and crematories overwhelmed. Many people who have survived the infection are suffering sequelae. 

The CCP claims to be a powerhouse in science and technology and has invested heavily in the development of nuclear warheads, space weapons, 5G, artificial intelligence, surveillance cameras, big data, and other militaristic technological projects. However, all those technological and medical advances cannot conquer the tiny, invisible virus. Instead, the CCP covers up the truth and continues to sing its own praises. 

The Root Cause of the Disasters

For people who are familiar with the CCP, its total disregard for human life isn’t something that came about in the pandemic, but is rooted in their atheist and tyrannical nature. 

After usurping the state power of China in 1949, the CCP exterminated the three major religions in traditional Chinese culture and forced monks and nuns to return to secular life and get married. During the Cultural Revolution (1966 -1976), the CCP instigated the “red guards” to smash up Buddha statues and destroy temples. 

The CCP leaders, past and present, never showed any concern for human lives. Mao Zedong wanted to fight a nuclear war in 1957, saying that he couldn’t care less if 300 million people died; the Great Famine (1959-1961) alone claimed 30-40 million lives.

After Deng Xiaoping took power, he tried to justify his order to slaughter thousands of students on Tiananmen Square in 1989 by saying that killing 20,000 people would guarantee 20 years of stability (for the CCP).

It was estimated that during the first 30 years of the CCP’s rule, more than 80 million people died of unnatural causes as a result of the series of political movements and suppression.

After Deng, Jiang Zemin launched a brutal persecution Falun Gong practitioners in 1999. An untold number of innocent practitioners lost their lives as a result, including those who fell victim to the atrocity of live organ harvesting.

Compared to the CCP, many high ranking officials in Chiang Kai-shek’s administration, including Chiang’s own family, believed in gods and Buddhas. 

Chiang’s grandfather Chiang Si-qian was a lay Buddhist. Chiang Kai-shek’s mother Wang Tsai-yu was a vegetarian and worshiped Buddha all her life, and she always had Buddhist scriptures in hand. 

Chiang Kai-shek himself was proficient in Wang Yangming’s philosophy – Learning of the Heart-and-Mind (xinxue). He was well acquainted with Master Taixu and respected Buddhism. Later Chiang also studied the Bible a lot. His wife Soong Mei-ling’s entire family were Christians.

His son Chiang Ching-kuo (who served as President of the Republic of China from 1978 till his death in 1988) was baptized during the Anti-Japanese War in Chongqing. At that time, many generals and high-raking officials in the Nationalist Party were well learned in both Chinese and Western culture and were believers in Buddhism and gods. 

Some renowned warlords in the Republic of China, such as Duan Qirui, Sun Chuanfang, and Wu Peifu, who were brutally slandered by the CCP, not only had good moral standing and observed conservative traditions, but also held faith in Buddhism.

The small example below is sufficient to show how people of faith and how the atheist CCP handle human lives differently.

In 1917, when Duan Qirui (serving as premier of the Republic government and military commander) was fighting against Zhang Xun (a general and loyalist to the Qing Dynasty), his subordinates wanted to kill as many as possible. Duan reprimanded them, saying: “Just drive them away. What’s the point of killing so many people? Killing is committing a sin.”

A New Path Forward

In fact, the word “atheism” originated in Ancient Greek language in the fifth century BC. It originally referred to three types of people: those who held a negative attitude towards the more widely accepted deities and spirits; those who were abandoned by deities for their betrayal and blasphemy; or those who had yet to commit to belief in some kind of deity. The original atheism did not mean to completely deny the existence of gods as advocated within the context of modern scientism.

With the end of the Middle Ages and the rise of modern science, the Industrial Revolution and the Enlightenment period, the meaning of “atheism” was expanded. By the time of the French Revolution, atheism was further manipulated and used by the communists to be the theoretical pillar of violent revolution and political movements.

Today, with the rapid corruption of human morality, the COVID pandemic swept across the world. From the perspective of traditional Chinese culture, the pandemic came as a result of humanity's great amount of sins and karma. 

The previous major plagues in human history were not indiscriminately contagious, and many miracles happened. During the four major plagues in ancient Rome, Christians who tried their best to help save others’ lives were rarely infected. The plague in China, towards the end of the Ming Dynasty, targeted people in the Ming army and mysteriously went past the Qing army, which was in close contact with the Ming troops. 

But COVID appeared to be different. In the latest wave of surging cases, those who died in China were mostly retired high-ranking officials, those who participated in the persecution of Falun Gong, and those who followed the Party closely.

On the other hand, many people who have quit the CCP or disapproved of the bloody persecution of Falun Gong have stayed uninfected, or have very minor symptoms even after they tested positive for the virus. 

There is a married couple, both of whom are Christians and vaccinated. The wife tested positive for COVID, while her husband did not. As it turned out, the husband has quit the CCP but his wife hasn’t. 

In fact, Master Li Hongzhi told the world as early as three years ago that the plague was targeting the CCP. Now, Master Li has published “How Humankind Came to Be” to offer human beings new insights concerning the path towards a bright future. 

Master Li said,

“If, in a trying setting like this, a person can still keep his thoughts virtuous; if he can hold his or her ground against the onslaught of modern values and views, and stick to traditional ones; and if he still believes in the divine in the face of assaults from the atheist and evolutionary camps, then that person will fulfill his purpose: to gain salvation and return to heaven. All of the madness now unfolding in the world was planned as such, for the final phase, by divine beings. Their goal was to test the lives here and see whether they were worthy of salvation, and give them a chance to, in the process, work off their sins and karma while going through difficult things. And all of this was done so that people could be saved and gain deliverance back to heaven.” (“How Humankind Came to Be”)