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British Army Veterans Learn the Falun Gong Exercises

May 18, 2023

(Minghui.org) On May 8, British Falun Gong practitioners were invited to a luncheon at the Glyndon Community Centre in East London to demonstrate the five sets of exercises.

The luncheon was held to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. More than 60 community residents tried the exercises for the first time. Most of the participants were Nepalese British Army veterans and their wives. They and other ethnic groups loved the music and movements of Falun Gong very much, and hoped that the practitioners would come to the community auditorium at noon the next day to teach them. Gyan, the community manager, decided to hold classes every Tuesday at noon, asking Falun Gong practitioners to teach them.

Participants said they felt physically and mentally comfortable after learning the exercises.

One attendee named Zion joined the British Army in Singapore and emigrated to London when he retired. He asked the practitioners to stand on a stage and demonstrate the exercises, so that everyone standing in the back could see every movement. The participants took learning the exercises very seriously. They said they felt that the energy field was large and their bodies were comfortable. Everyone thanked practitioners for their dedication and looked forward to learning from them next time.

A decorated British Army veteran repeatedly says, “Falun Dafa is good”

Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is Good

A Nepalese national named Kaji served in the British Army for two decades and was stationed in Hong Kong for many years. He said, “I think this is very good, the values of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are good and should be possessed by everyone.”

He said, “I have an indescribable feeling of happiness and I will continue to learn. Most of us here believe in Buddhism, and I am from the hometown of Shakyamuni Buddha.”

A Brit named Caroline was glad to be there to learn the exercises, and her bodily pain was reduced.

Caroline, who hails from the UK, said, “I woke up today feeling sore, in a bad mood, depressed, and I didn’t want to come out. But after practicing with you here, I do feel much better, and the rheumatoid arthritis pain in the waist and leg joints has also been greatly relieved. Your exercises are so good, I’m going to continue to learn.”

A practitioner shared a cultivation story with Caroline and encouraged her to keep practicing and shift her thinking, and everything would improve. She said, “I hope to get good energy, I will go to the Falun Gong website and check it out.”

“It Feels So Relaxed, and I Love Doing This So Much”

Paula from Portugal waved her hands and laughed, “My hands don’t seem to want to stop, and I want to keep practicing and not stopping.” Her whole body was still immersed in the practice music that had just been played.

Paula (right) practicing the second set of exercises.

She said excitedly, “I feel so relaxed, like I want to dance. Oh! I love practicing this exercise so much. It makes me forget the pain of my shoulder and feel happy inside.”

When she saw the Portuguese version of the Falun Dafa website, she happily said that she wanted to read the book Falun Gong, and take online exercise classes at home on Saturdays.

Zion was very pleased to see that many people loved Falun Gong. After the activity wrapped up, he also took the practitioners to visit the leaders of other community activity rooms. He hopes that more local residents will benefit from Falun Gong.