(Minghui.org) I am sharing some experience I had when clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa to people face-to-face during the past 17 years.
Clarifying the Truth to Police Officers
One day I was in a supermarket checkout line and stood next to a man standing behind me. I said to him, “I don’t have anything urgent to do, so why don’t you go ahead of me?” He said, “Me neither, so you can go first.” I asked, “How old are you?” He said, “I’m in my 60s.” I said, “No way! You look young and well-educated.” He said excitedly, “Do you know what kind of job I do?” I said, “You work in an office, most likely in a police bureau. You are a department director at a minimum. Are you?” He said, “You’re right on! I’m a director.”
I asked him, “Do you know about Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa)?” He said he does. I then asked him, “Do you know about quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organizations to ensure one’s safety? You know the CCP has launched multiple political movements to persecute our ordinary citizens. It’s dishonorable, corrupt, and deceives people. The June 4th Tiananmen Massacre is true. The ‘self-immolation incident on Tiananmen Square’ was staged and was truly a hoax. The CCP harvests organs from Falun Gong practitioners when they are still alive, so they could make huge profits. People from all over the world know all about its crimes. Can heaven not punish it? The CCP forces people to devote their lives to it. Once you joined its organizations, you are counted as part of it. If you renounce your memberships from the Party heaven will protect you.” He said, “Sure I will. Thank you!”
One day, I sat down on a long bench along a busy street. Shortly after, a young man sat down next to me. I said, “Young man, you look so handsome. How old are you?” He told me that he was 28 years old, and his child was 2 years old. I said, “Lucky you!” He then said, “Aunty, can you tell what I do for a living?” I said, “You work for the police bureau.” He asked, “How did you know?” I said, “You don’t look like someone who is shopping, or strolling around, but is working.” He smiled.
I smiled back. While sending forth righteous thoughts, I said calmly, “For us to meet each other is our predestined relationship.” I lowered my voice and said, “Arresting bad people is your job, but please never arrest practitioners. Falun Gong is Buddha Law cultivation. The staged self-immolation incident was a hoax; please do not persecute good people practicing Buddhahood. As of now Falun Gong has spread to over 100 countries worldwide.” He looked around nervously and said, “Aunty, please hurry up and go. Please hurry up and go.” While saying that, he got more and more nervous.
I was reluctant to stand up. After I walked away, I was still worried about him. So I walked back. I said to him, “Thank you! Please do not persecute practitioners.” He said hastily, “Please quickly go! Please quickly go!” I knew he was a plainclothes police officer and on duty. I have some regrets about not being able to save him. I hope he will run into another practitioner at some other time.
Clarifying the Truth to Lots of People
One day I was shopping for fruit at a large supermarket, which was packed with people. I said to a young man, “We ordinary citizens don’t have money; we only can afford bargains.” He said, “Indeed.” I then said, “The CCP officials sent their children abroad, and they bought luxury cars and expensive houses overseas. They pretended to love the country and the Party, but they all held foreign passports. All they did was to deceive us. The CCP also teaches us to fight with heaven and earth. Heaven is a god; can a being fight with a god? The pandemic is for eliminating the CCP.”
I asked him, “Have you joined the CCP or its youth organizations?” He said, “I have joined both the Youth League and Young Pioneers.” I said, “I’ll use ‘Peace’ to help you renounce your memberships from those CCP organizations. Heaven will then protect you.” He said, “Thank you!” I said, “I practice Falun Gong. The ‘self-immolation incident on Tiananmen Square’ was staged and was a hoax. Please remember, Falun Dafa is wonderful!”
There were people passing by constantly. I’m not sure which gentlemen shouted, but one shouted, “Falun Dafa is wonderful!” His voice was so loud that I almost broke out in tears. That’s the power of the Fa, which can shake heaven and earth.
One day right after the Chinese New Year, I took a bus. A man in his 60s approached us. He used his left hand to support his right hand, which was wrapped in a thick towel soaked with blood. He was shaking. It was hard to tell if it was sweat or tears on his face. Painful sounds came out of his mouth, and he kept moving his feet and had difficulty standing.
Someone asked him what happened, and he said he'd found a temporary job, but while doing that job, he cut the tip of his finger by accident. His employer refused to get him any medical help, and he couldn’t afford to pay for a doctor on his own. He was from another city and had to go back home.
I stood up and said, “Please sit here.” Then I took out a truth-clarification 20-yuan currency bill and gave it to him. I said, “Please take it. It’s a token of my appreciation.” He said, “Much appreciated!” Then other people gave him 100, 50, and 10 yuan. Seeing he was in great pain and feeling hopeless, I said to him, “Falun Gong is for cultivating Buddhahood. Please sincerely recite, ‘Falun Dafa is wonderful!’ Then it won’t hurt as much.” He shouted out loud, “Falun Dafa is wonderful!” His shout made the full busload of 20 to 30 passengers all look at us.
I asked him, “Have you joined the Party?” He said, “Yes, I joined the Young Pioneers.” I said, “Then why don’t you quit so you would be blessed by heaven. The CCP doesn’t care about our ordinary citizens.” He said, “Sure.” At that time, the bus arrived at the railway station, and he had to get off. But I couldn’t keep calm. I felt the preciousness of sentient beings, which urged me to save more of them. This is my duty and mission.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth