(Minghui.org) I was a teenager in November 1997 when I began practicing Falun Dafa, and now I’m a middle aged adult. I’ve never seen Master in person but the book Zhuan Falun guided me on my cultivation path. My third eye is not open but I’ve had three amazing experiences that left a deep impression on me. I feel that Master (Falun Dafa’s founder) is right by my side, watching over me.
The first experience was when I decided to go to Tiananmen Square to speak up for Falun Dafa. Master showed me a Falun.
The second time was when I was being forced to give in to the CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) demands. Master let me see the first sentence of the teaching titled “The Disciples’ Magnificence” shimmering in dazzling golden light. It was so startling that I immediately put down the paper the lecture was printed on. When I finally calmed down and looked at it again, it returned to a piece of white paper. Since then, whenever I meet with difficulties, I’m no longer so downhearted.
The third time was when I was abducted and taken to a labor camp. On the way there the police officer handcuffed me and another practitioner but my hand slipped out. Although the red marks from the handcuff were still there, they did not hurt. Of course, these miracles may not seem significant to practitioners who can see supernatural phenomena, but they are really amazing for practitioners like me who are not able to see through their third eye.
I know that through the display of supernatural phenomenon Master is trying to improve our confidence in cultivation. Instead of being attached to phenomenon, we should “look for guidance in the teachings as if they were your master” (Lecture Given at the Conference in Sydney).
While I was reading “On Dafa” in Zhuan Falun, Master let me understand a layer of Fa principle: This is a new system of Fa that is being used to construct the new universe. Every Falun Dafa practitioner’s path of cultivation is abiding by these Fa principles to construct the new universe. Whichever part of the universe that deviates from the Fa is heading towards annihilation. Master ask us to do the three things well: study the Fa, send forth righteous thoughts and clarify the truth about the persecution. This is the process of accomplishing the new universe. These three things are complementary to one another. Not doing well in any one of them will affect the other two.
Telling People the Truth About the Persecution
When I clarify the truth, I usually do it face-to-face. At first I had a lot of interference such as the other party not wanting to listen or someone else suddenly interrupting, making it impossible for me to continue speaking. What should I do? I began reading the Fa before I went out to talk to people, and there was less interference. However, after a while this no longer worked. So, I sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the interference.
When we meet with problems, we cannot run away from them. We also should not be moved by our emotions and attachments. I always use the Fa principles that Master mentioned in his lectures to warn myself repeatedly. When people were not willing to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations and even spoke unkind words but I did not remain calm, I realized that my attachment to fame and benefits was triggered. I decided to eliminate it. After adjusting my mindset, I continued talking to people. After more than ten years, I’m able to have compassion even if the other person criticizes me. I seldom meet people who have bad attitudes.
For a period of time, I could tell if a person could be saved before I even talked to them. This sometimes made me want to avoid that person. But I knew that it was wrong to give up.
I clarified the truth to a middle-aged lady. She refused to listen and argued with me. Her phone rang and she left. I followed her and kept sending righteous thoughts. After she finished the call, I told her to remember the two phrases: “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Then I asked her to quit the CCP and its youth organizations. She said that her surname is Gao so I gave her the nickname "Gao Ming." She was very happy. Under the effect of my righteous thoughts, she understood and made the right choice.
Later, I was no longer attached to my own feelings. I only had one thought: I want to raise awareness about this person.
I needed to go to a supermarket one day. As I left the house, a thought flashed through my mind: Go help people to be saved! When I walked into the market I kept sending righteous thoughts. The market was crowded.
I felt very calm and I just had one thought which is to have all these people saved. That day, whoever I clarified the truth to agreed to quit the CCP and its youth organizations and they also said that Dafa is good. That day, I successfully persuaded twenty-three people to quit the CCP and its youth organizations within an hour. The process was also quite interesting. When I went to pay, I discovered that I forgot to buy the things I came to buy. I had to go back. I repeated the process three times before I completed my shopping.
Every time I turned back, I met people I was supposed to talk to. When I returned home I recalled the thought I had when I was leaving the house. I realized Master arranged everything. That day was the largest number of people I talked to in such a short time. I did not feel complacent. I just felt very calm, as though I completed an assignment that Master arranged for me. I did what I should have done. If I did not improve my cultivation, these beings who should be saved would have lost their chances.
Master’s Fa-rectification of the cosmos is already transitioning into the Fa’s rectification of the human world. I feel that I should not slack off or be too aggressive just because of the changes in the environment.
There is a stand with cameras facing the building I live in. Because my apartment is near an office complex, for nearly twenty years, the cameras near my building have always been the most advanced. After I joined others in suing former CCP leader Jiang Zemin, a security booth was also placed beside the camera stand. Some people were designated to monitor me in front of my building. I ignore all this. I am here to assist Master in Fa-rectification and save people.
With regard to people coming to my house to create disturbances, I do not reject any one of them. Whether it’s the local 610 Office members, police, or community staff, I clarified the truth to every one of them. Some said they were just following orders while others quit the CCP. I pointed to the monitors and the security booth and told them, “These are evidence that you are persecuting practitioners.” They always lower their heads in silence or quickly leave. Gradually, this interference was reduced and the area around the security booth became a toilet for dogs. The community manager finally posted a notice warning people about cleaning up after their dogs.
During the three years of the COVID pandemic, China, especially Beijing, has turned the country into a prison. People seemed to have forgotten the normal way of living that does not require wearing masks and scanning QR codes. Everyone seemed numb. The CCP has employed the methods that they used on practitioners, on Chinese citizens. After including content from the pandemic, I had more subjects to talk about. Practitioners shared examples of how some people who recited the two phrases after they contracted the virus recovered, and I added that into my truth clarification. The effect was very good. Some people immediately agreed to quit the CCP and its youth organizations. They even followed me to recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Those who could not remember the phrases asked me to write them down.
One day when I went out to throw out garbage I saw an elderly lady rummaging through a trash container. She looked neat and tidy. I began chatting with her and learned that her husband was ill and their insurance did not cover his medical bills. She was looking for things to re-sell to earn extra income. She was nearly 80 and had joined the Young Pioneers and the Communist Youth League when she was young. She agreed to quit the CCP organizations she joined and followed me to recite the two phrases. She was afraid that she might forget and asked me to write them down so that her husband could recite them.
As she was about to leave, I understood a layer of meaning for the word compassion. When a high-level being comes down and suffers hardship in the human world, he or she is waiting to be saved. What reasons do we practitioners have to not raise awareness among people? This is the compassion that a cultivator should have.
Only through guiding ourselves with the Fa can we do things righteously and have more people saved. These are my superficial understandings at my current cultivation level. Kindly correct me if there is any room for improvement.
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