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One Genuine Thought

June 27, 2023 |   By Lan Ya, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I’d like to share about two things I’ve enlightened to in my cultivation in Falun Dafa. 

One Genuine Thought

Like many practitioners, I have been arrested, detained and persecuted since the persecution of Falun Dafa began. Thugs who were Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members came to harass me during so-called “sensitive dates” which coincided with high-level CCP meetings. On several occasions, they came to my home without cause and took away my computer and Dafa materials. They didn’t arrest me due to my righteous thoughts, but it negatively impacted me and made me afraid. Sometimes I had a vision that the CCP officers or policemen came knocking at my door. I instantly became afraid, but I sent forth righteous thoughts immediately to dispel this vision; but it lingered on. 

A practitioner who was close to me was arrested and sentenced last year. When she was being interrogated, she brought up my name, which made me anxious. Thanks to practitioners’ help, I looked within and rectified myself in the Fa. I sincerely apologized to Master Li (Falun Dafa’s founder) for having this fear. The evil didn’t persecute me and I knew that the CCP officers would not come to my home. The vision of someone knocking on my door appeared in my mind from time to time, which upset me. When would I be able to let go of my fear?

Two months ago my granddaughter was playing near me while I was memorizing the Fa. As I recited the Fa, the vision of someone knocking at my door came up again. I felt distressed and closed the Dafa book. I said to Master, “Master, I don’t want it. It interferes with my reciting of the Fa and assimilating to the Fa.” Instantly, the fear in my mind disappeared. All of a sudden, I felt calm, light, and joyful. I opened the book and continued memorizing the Fa. There was no interference this time. I could memorize the Fa quickly. I memorized eight pages that day. I haven’t had that vision since then. 

I used to have many negative thoughts in my mind, but they’re now very weak and I can eliminate them. One day when I recited this sentence “... this person’s body will no longer degenerate” (Lecture Five, Zhuan Falun), I felt joy and laughed. I couldn’t describe the feeling in words, yet I knew it in my heart. 

Thank you, Master! I had a righteous thought and Master removed the substance of fear I had accumulated in my mind for the past twenty years. When viewing this from another dimension, Master must have removed a big mountain of karma for me. This strengthened my confidence in assisting Master to rectify the Fa and save sentient beings. 

Looking Outwardly Means I Want to Change Ordinary Society

I started to look after my granddaughter in 2020. My daughter-in-law was a very stubborn woman. She was mean, lazy, and indulgent with food, and was late to work every day. She never ate any leftovers, letting them go bad. In the first two years I stayed at their home, she rarely answered me when I asked questions, as if she didn’t hear me. I knew she did this on purpose. She hadn’t bought any groceries for the family in the last three years or done any chores around the house. After dinner, she was on her cell phone either watching things or shopping online. She had packages delivered every day. 

One day she told her 21-year-old daughter and me that she didn’t care about others as long as she felt comfortable. I didn’t argue with her, but I felt angry in my heart. I maintained my xinxing because I am a practitioner, but in my heart I didn’t appreciate her at all. In my mind, I tried to argue who was right and who was wrong and competed with her. I was not happy at all. 

In my mind, I would say that if I didn’t practice Falun Dafa, I would not look after her child or I’d be tougher than her. I looked down on her, yet I was jealous of her. I didn’t really have a good look at her for three years because I was not happy with her and thought she had so many shortcomings. I tried to dispel those bad thoughts and removed a lot of them. I felt I had improved a lot, though those thoughts still came up from time to time. 

After I returned to my own home, bad thoughts regarding my daughter-in-law appeared in my mind. I asked myself why I always dwelled on her shortcomings. As a practitioner, when I think others are at fault, there must be something wrong with me because practitioners must look within, not outwardly. 

At that moment, Master’s Fa appeared in my mind. I realized that the ways of the human world are contrary to the law of the universe. How my daughter-in-law behaved reflected how people in this world live. From a human perspective, playing, eating, entertaining, and enjoying life are good things. If I wanted to change her, that meant that I wanted to change society as a whole. Could I change it? As a practitioner, I can only rectify myself, not everyday people. So it was my own fault. All of a sudden my thoughts were detached from society. 

I now view my daughter-in-law in a new, positive light. When she buys new clothes and talks about food and restaurants, I just think that young people like nice clothes and food and to be happy, which is normal. When she was happy, I became happy for her. I no longer had discomfort. One day I looked at her face squarely and found that she was good-looking. Whatever she did had nothing to do with me. I no longer had any negative thoughts about her. 

Master repeatedly mentioned the importance of studying the Fa in his articles. He would like us to remember the Fa and measure our behavior with the Fa’s principles when we have conflicts. I was often too obsessed with the conflicts and forgot the Fa’s principles. Master saw that I had not enlightened to this yet, so he pushed the Fa into my mind. Master looks after me every step of the way. Thank you, Master!