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Sweden: People Learn about Falun Dafa at Kulturkalaset Cultural Festival

Aug. 28, 2023 |   By Minghui correspondent He Ping from Stockholm, Sweden

(Minghui.org) Kulturkalaset, an annual cultural festival, took place in Stockholm, Sweden, August 16-20, 2023. Practitioners do the Falun Dafa exercises at Mynttorget Square every Friday and Saturday to introduce Falun Dafa and tell people about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) ongoing persecution. During Kulturkalaset, many people signed the petition and expressed their support for practitioners’ efforts to end the persecution. Some were interested in learning how to practice Falun Dafa and started to learn the exercise movements during the event.

Stockholm is one of Europe’s oldest cities and its Scandinavian culture attracts tourists from around the world.

Practitioners gather at Mynttorget Square every Friday and Saturday to tell people about Falun Dafa.

People learn about the persecution of Falun Dafa.

People sign the petition to help end the persecution after learning the truth about Falun Dafa.

Swedish Tour Guide Helps Spread the Truth About Falun Dafa

The peaceful atmosphere as practitioners did the exercises caught the attention of many passersby on August 12. Many stopped to read the poster boards that had information about the Chinese regime’s persecution of Falun Dafa.

As a Swedish tour guide passed by with his group of tourists, he told them about Falun Dafa and explained why practitioners do the exercises on Mynttorget Square. He also described the ongoing persecution.

Swedish tour guide (second on right) telling his group about Falun Dafa

The tour guide said that he’d heard about Falun Dafa years ago and wanted to support Falun Dafa by telling people about it whenever he sees practitioners holding activities.

Practitioners were happy for him because he helped to spread the truth. When they gave each tourist a small lotus flower, the guide explained that the lotus flower signifies purity even though it grows out of the mud.

Tourists Support Falun Dafa

Trier and his family signed the petition to help end the persecution.

Trier and his family were shocked to learn about the persecution. He said, “So many people practice this great exercise. How could I not know that so many people have been brutally persecuted for such a long time?

“You [practitioners] are doing this to let everyone know about the CCP’s forced live organ harvesting. Everyone should unite and stop this persecution. You guys are doing a great thing by being here!”

The rest of his family expressed their support for Falun Dafa, signed the petition, and thanked practitioners for informing them about the persecution.

An elderly man (first on the right) has his picture taken with practitioners.

A German man in his 80s watched the practitioners do the exercises. He asked about Falun Dafa and was very upset when he heard how the CCP persecutes practitioners and removes their organs and sells them. He said, “This is unbelievable! How can such a peaceful practice be persecuted? How can I not know about this? I cannot do nothing now that I know about it. I will support you and sign the petition. I definitely stand on your side!”

He also told his wife and family about Falun Dafa. He then stood near the practitioners doing the exercises and asked his wife to take a picture of him doing the movements. He said he was very happy to meet practitioners and hear about Falun Dafa.

People Support Falun Dafa

Dima and his mother are from Spain. Dima had been accepted at a university in Stockholm and was about to start school. They were happy to learn about Falun Dafa but distressed to hear how it is persecuted. They signed the petition.

Dima told practitioners, “I am interested in Falun Dafa. I feel that you are doing a very meaningful and important thing. I would like to invite you to my school so you can tell my classmates and teachers about Falun Dafa and how it’s persecuted. This way, more people can learn about it.”

He shook hands with the practitioners and left his contact information, saying that he hoped to keep in contact with them.

After Feven from Ethiopia read the poster boards, she was in tears. She exclaimed, “This is evil! That is the exact word to describe the CCP! It is an evil demon. I will pray for you. The Gods will protect you. Let us work hard to stop this persecution. I wish you success.”