(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners gathered at a tourist site in the city of Medellin, Colombia, on July 20, 2023, to raise awareness about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 24-year-long persecution. They held their event in the popular park, Parque Explora, where they distributed fliers and collected signatures on a petition to end the persecution.
Practitioners did the Falun Dafa exercises in Parque Explora in Medellin on July 20, 2023.
People learn about the persecution and sign the petition calling for it to end.
July 20th happened to be Colombia’s Independence Day. So many Colombians were at the park enjoying the holiday and stopped to speak with practitioners. Many people who were unfamiliar with the practice were surprised by the persecution, especially by the CCP’s forced organ harvesting from Falun Dafa practitioners.
During the activity, practitioners also collected signatures for the “End the CCP” petition organized by the Global Service Center for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party, to condemn the CCP for its numerous human rights violations. Many Colombians were interested, especially when they learned how the CCP harms not only Chinese people, but the entire world. More than 100 people signed the petition that day.
The Persecution Affects All of Us
Sara, a young high school student, said that it was important to tell the world about the persecution of Falun Dafa. After talking with a practitioner, she said, “I think it’s great that they are bringing awareness to these issues, which are almost unheard of. It’s something that we should prioritize. Even if it’s not happening in this country or on this continent, it does affect us directly and indirectly.”
Sara said the benefits of practicing Falun Dafa are wonderful and believes that the CCP has committed a grave crime in suppressing something so positive. “I practice yoga and it seems to me that this practice of Falun Dafa is very good, that it can connect everyone, it is for all people,” she said. “And I think it is very wrong that they have banned it and also that they continue to do it.”
She signed the petition, and said she hopes her signature will help stop the CCP’s violation of the human rights of Falun Dafa practitioners and other spiritual followers in China.
People Should Have Freedom of Belief
Adriana has a refreshment stand at the park where practitioners held their event. She was curious about their event and chatted with a practitioner. She was saddened by the abuse suffered by practitioners of all ages in China.
She became upset when she learned how some practitioners who do not harm anyone are being persecuted, and that the persecution even affects children. She said, “Other countries must know about this and should look for a solution. Do something for those children who are growing up enslaved. The other countries should do something and allow people to have freedom to practice their spiritual belief.”
Elaine: This Persecution Should Be Known
Elaine and her daughter Andrea are originally from Venezuela. Coming from a country with an authoritarian government, they sympathized with the practitioners in China.
Elaine encouraged practitioners in their efforts to tell people about the persecution. “This persecution that is happening in China needs to be known,” she said. She hopes practitioners in China will remain resilient and said she is certain that the persecution will be over one day.
That evening, practitioners held a candlelight vigil to commemorate those practitioners who were persecuted to death in China.
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Category: July 20 Events