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Human Hearts Lead to Huge Losses in Our Local Cultivation Environment

Aug. 4, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minhgui.org) Over 30 practitioners in our region were arrested on September 26, 2022. Most of them had their homes ransacked and several of our material production sites were destroyed.

One practitioner heard from the police that one of the local coordinators had provided our information to the police. From what I know, this coordinator’s son had a huge debt from his gambling addiction. To help her son quickly pay off his debt, the coordinator borrowed money from different practitioners. When that was still not enough, she used the money we had donated to make informational materials—more than 100,000 yuan.

After the coordinator’s son paid off the debt, instead of overcoming his addiction, he continued gambling, trying to win the money back. As a result, he ran up new debts and then demanded that his mother get more money for him. Unable to let go of her sentimentality for her son, the coordinator kept borrowing money from local practitioners.

One elderly practitioner didn’t have a pension and relied on financial support from her children. Even so, she gave all of her savings—several thousand yuan—to this coordinator. She said the coordinator lied to her, saying that her son was in trouble and he needed the money to redeem his car.

I found out that the coordinator’s son owed more than five million yuan. The coordinator borrowed over one million yuan from local practitioners and had no way to pay it back. Troubled by this family tribulation, she couldn’t do anything to validate the Fa.

In August 2022, a practitioner from another city, who had lent the coordinator some money, was arrested. That practitioner told the police about the coordinator. Police from that city then came to our region and arrested the coordinator.

A month later, on September 26, 2022, a mass arrest in our region happened. Most of those who were targeted had lent money to the coordinator. One police officer told two practitioners that the coordinator had given their information to the police.

A few days after the mass arrest, the coordinator was released.

Recently, eight practitioners were summoned to court. A staff member at the court told them, “Your coordinator told us everything, including when she delivered how many boxes of paper to you and when she picked up the printed materials.” Under pressure, an elderly practitioner admitted that she was printing materials at home. The staff member said that the provincial government was paying close attention to their cases and were seeking heavy sentences.

As a result of this mass arrest, some practitioners signed the guarantee statements to renounce Dafa and others are facing prison time. This is a very big and painful lesson for us.

I hope we can all use this time to look within and correct any of our thoughts and actions that are not in line with the Fa. While the prosecution process for some practitioners is still ongoing, I hope we can also take the opportunity to clarify the facts to the officials involved in their cases and turn a bad thing into a good thing.

I believe that as long as we have faith in Master and Dafa, there will always be a way out.