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Growing Up Amidst the Buddha's Light

Sept. 27, 2023 |   By Yujie, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I’m 42 years old and began Falun Dafa cultivation practice when I was 17 years old. During my past 25 years of cultivation, I made several huge mistakes due to my attachments to the human world. Many times, I lost confidence in myself. However, Master Li (Falun Dafa’s founder) has never given up on me. He has protected me and encouraged me to pass one test after another, even though they were very difficult to pass. Master gave me the strength to move forward, so I could walk on my cultivation path more and more rationally.

Falun Dafa is a highly virtuous cultivation system that teaches people to pursue kindness. I’d like to share my experiences to validate the wonderful nature of Falun Dafa and Master’s compassion.

How I Obtained Falun Dafa

Since childhood, I often cried, felt confused and depressed, and wondered what is the meaning and goal of one’s life. Thus, I felt very sad and wept when I was alone. I was in my first year of senior high school In 1997 when my roommate gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa. When I turned it over, even before reading the contents of the book, and only saw Master’s picture, I began to cry. At that time, I didn’t know why, and I just kept crying. But I felt that the person I was searching for in my life was Master.

After I finished reading Zhuan Falun, I felt that my heart lightened up deep down, and I felt bright inside my mind. The joy of having hope deep in my heart made me an upbeat person every day. So I began to introduce Dafa to my classmates.

When I was in senior high school and at the university, I was always the most hard-working student in the dorm, without caring that I was taken advantage of by others.

Sometimes I ran into conflicts with my roommates. Even though I didn’t say anything to them, I couldn’t let it go. I felt upset, and still struggled in my heart about the conflict with the other person.

At that time, I only had a shallow understanding of the Fa and did not do the exercises. I only knew that Dafa was good, and held myself to the standards of the Fa. I wanted to be a good person. I also talked to people around me about the beauty of Dafa. This state lasted until 2012.

At that time, I was married and had a child. I happened to listen to the cultivation story of Milarepa, and it was as if I suddenly woke up. Hearing the word “cultivation” shocked me. I felt that I must cultivate, and that the meaning of my life was to cultivate and return to my true self. When this thought showed up from a most microscopic part of me, it felt like a wave from the inside of me. The microcosm of my life was strongly shaken.

That night Master opened the hundreds of energy channels in me. I felt very light, one wave of happiness after another spread throughout my body, and I wanted to float up. After that, Master cleansed my body. For about two weeks, I had a sore throat and coughed non-stop. My throat was swollen, and there was a thick layer of bloody crust around my throat. In the end, the crust fell off, and I spit it out. Then my throat was fine.

The first time I did the seated meditation, I was empowered by Master and sat in the full lotus position for an hour. I felt that, except for a black mass in my lower abdomen, my entire body had connected as one to become transparent. When I entered into tranquility, I heard music from another dimension, and a scene appeared before my eyes.

Master was lecturing from a high-up place. Below him, there were so many Buddhas sitting there that one couldn’t see the end of them. They all wore yellow robes and had curly hair. I was one of them. Every one of us attentively listened to Master’s lecture. The benevolent and compassionate immense power shocked me upon seeing this, and my face was covered with tears. When the music stopped, I came back to simply meditating there.

A Tribulation

After I returned to cultivation, I realized the importance of saving sentient beings. So I began to hand out informational Dafa materials. However, it is important to study the Fa and cultivate oneself well, but I didn’t solidly cultivate. Having only a regular person’s courage to do things, I ended up being taken advantage of by the evil. Master saw the danger approaching me. He had other practitioners remind me time after time: Calm down; having just began to walk, don’t worry about running yet. In July 2012, I was arrested and my home was ransacked.

On the day I was arrested, I had an extremely bad headache. After I finished handing out the truth-clarification materials, an idea cast into my mind: Go quickly! However, I didn’t pay attention to it and ended up being arrested.

At the detention center, I said to Master deep down: Master, I was wrong. I must leave here. Then, I could study the Fa well and save more sentient beings.

One day at noontime, I heard Dafa music and saw Master in white clothes doing a great hand gesture in my dream. And I then learned that ice cream bars would be served at the afternoon.

It was in summer and hot – the room temperature was over 86 degrees. We were really given ice cream bars in the afternoon, which was unprecedented. I knew Master was by my side to safeguard me. At that time, the number 27 was often in my mind. It turned out that I was indeed released on the 27th day of being illegally detained.

After I was released from the detention center, my family confiscated my Dafa books. They didn’t allow me to get in touch with other practitioners. My parents even knelt down in front of me, were in tears, and begged me not to practice Dafa anymore. They also tried to convince me to follow Buddhism. My husband threatened to divorce me. He also watched me every night. If I got up to do the exercises, he’d beat me. I said to Master deep down: Master, I’ll make the breakthrough. Otherwise, my family will have no future. I must pull myself together.

It took a couple of years. Under Master’s benevolent protection, I resumed a normal cultivation environment. No one cared anymore if I studied the Fa or did the exercises.

Cultivating Among My Family

My mother-in-law lost her mother when she was a teenager. She began to look after her younger brother and sisters when she was 17 years old. She had an unfortunate marriage. When her son was seven years old, her husband had an affair with another woman. After she found out about it, she divorced him after fighting with him. Her son was given to her ex-husband to look after. She moved to the city and lived by herself. After that, she married my father-in-law and had their son – my husband.

My father-in-law was also married before. He had a daughter whom his ex-wife looked after. My mother-in-law was a strong woman and wanted to come out on top. However, things didn’t go as she wished, her marriage to my father-in-law was also unfortunate. My father-in-law ate and drank all day long with friends without going home, and, he had a lot of debt. So their marriage soon came to an end.

Later, my mother-in-law developed breast cancer and had her right breast removed. After the misfortune of her second marriage and her terminal illness, she became sensitive and suspicious. If anyone messed with her, she would go crazy and talk very harshly. She would say anything unpleasant to relieve her anger, without any regard for other people’s feelings.

My husband and I got married after we dated for six months. During that time, my mother-in-law treated me very well. It wasn’t until after I got married, that I realized her strong character. If she didn’t like anything in my house, she’d dispose of it without asking me. During my pregnancy, she’d call me at work to curse at me over a petty thing. She also indulged my husband to hit and swear at me. In addition, she always looked down on my parents and said bad things about them. That my husband, who originally looked down on my parents, treated them like enemies and had little respect for them.

We moved to a new house in 2016. I gave my former house of about 1,000 square feet, including the furniture and appliances, to my mother-in-law. So she moved from her 450 square feet old house, which she had lived in for more than 30 years, to our house that was equipped with an elevator, fitness equipment, and had easy to access public transit, yet she didn’t appreciate it. Moreover, she listened to other people’s instigation and ridiculed me.

Even though I felt wronged deep down, when I thought about Master’s enlightening and the fact that I am a practitioner, I endured my mother-in-law’s unreasonable behavior. Moreover, I kindly expressed my ideas, and truly thought first of her. I hoped that she could move into a more spacious apartment and enjoy her life.

When she suffered from an eye disease, I went with her to have surgery. I also took the initiative to reserve tickets online and took out 20,000 yuan for my husband to take her to see a doctor at a famous hospital in Beijing.

There have been many strong conflicts with her during the past 10-plus years. Sometimes I couldn’t let go of them deep down. I felt indignant and wronged. However, in the end, inspired by Dafa’s principles, my resentment melted away bit by bit. By following the requirements of the Fa, I kept elevating my xinxing, changing myself, and treating her kindly.

More recently, when I was with my mother-in-law, we were just like mother and daughter. She’d tell me anything in her mind. She also often praised me in front of others. Other people told her that she had good fortune, so she got such a wonderful daughter-in-law. From me, she also got to see that Dafa practitioners are all good people. She went from not acknowledging Dafa in the beginning, to listening to Master’s lectures from time to time.

Clarifying the Truth at Work

At work, I could deal with many clients. I never took any bribes or was difficult with them. Instead, I held myself to the standards of a practitioner. Thus, I had a good reputation among my clients. I also took the opportunity to clarify the truth to them. Almost every single one of my clients have decided to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations, so as to choose a bright future for themselves.

During my interactions with colleagues, often enough, I conducted myself according to the Fa requirements. I didn’t fight for my interests, which gained the trust of my managers. My previous managers had learned the truth about Dafa and quit the Chinese Communist Party. As for my current manager, I haven’t been able to thoroughly clarify the truth to her. Because she still has some misunderstandings of Dafa, I put together a truth-clarification letter for her so she could be saved.

Thinking back about my cultivation, the path has been bumpy all along. Without Master’s benevolent protection, I would have gotten lost in the human world. The despair of being stuck in the quagmire countless times made me give up on the idea of survival. It was Master who never gave up on me. He gave me light and strength in the darkness and helped me regain my confidence. Master made me aware of the responsibilities I shoulder to diligently march forward on the road of helping Master rectify the Fa.

Thank you, Master!