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Rain or Shine, Telling People About the Persecution

Sept. 5, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997. I have been very determined and continued cultivating for the past over 20 years despite the ups and downs along the way. I’d like to share some of my cultivation experiences with you.

Master Guides Me on My Cultivation Path

I was born into a poor village family and I never went to school. Many villagers started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997. A woman suggested I practice to improve my health. I accompanied her to the nine day lecture video seminar. I had difficulty understanding what Falun Dafa was and didn’t attend the other lectures. I was asked to play mahjong [a game] because they needed another person. When I arrived, the lady in charge told me to leave. She said I was not pleasing to her eyes. I was angry. The next day they called me and asked me to play mahjong because they need one more person. Although I was still upset, I couldn’t resist the temptation, so I went. This time the lady scolded me even more. She said, “I get agitated as soon as I see you. You irritate me. Don’t come to my home again.” She humiliated me so much that I wept all the way home.

When I thought about what happened I felt strange. I often played mahjong at her home and we got along well. What was wrong? I suddenly realized something. Did Master Li, Falun Dafa’s founder, start to take care of me after I listened to his lecture even though I didn’t understand everything he said? I knew that playing mahjong was not good for me, but I was addicted to it. Master was trying to prevent me from doing bad things. I decided to join the Fa study group.

I listened to the practitioners reading Zhuan Falun. When they read the section “Improving Xinxing” in Lecture Four, I felt Master spoke so well; it resonated with me. At that moment I decided to learn Falun Dafa. I ran into the mahjong lady one day. She said she didn’t remember telling me to leave. I understood that Master was now guiding me to walk on the path to return to my original, true self. I was determined to cultivate myself well.

I Was Able to Read Zhuan Falun

I learned to read Zhuan Falun in my dreams. While other practitioners read Zhuan Falun, I pointed to the Chinese characters but I didn’t know whether I was at the correct place. I still wanted to read Zhuan Falun after I came home from the Fa study. I only learned a few characters while they read. How could I learn to read such a thick book? I was worried.

I had a dream one night. The words in Zhuan Falun were glittering in the dream. Every Chinese character was one Chinese inch big (about 0.7 inch). I knew all the words that flashed before my eyes. When I woke up and read Zhuan Falun, I indeed could read those words. In this way I learned to read Chinese characters. I read Zhuan Falun within a month. It was miraculous!

Master Removed My Karma

It was difficult for me to do the sitting meditation in the beginning because my legs were stiff. I could hardly sit cross legged, let alone in the half or full lotus position. I decided that I would always cross my legs whenever I sat or lay in bed. When I woke up, my legs were so painful that I could not immediately stretch them.

When I was walking down the street one day, I felt something coming out of my knees and spread over my eyes like a sandstorm. I could hardly see. The practitioner beside me said that there was nothing there. I realized that Master was cleansing my body by removing some bad substances. I’ve been able to sit in the full lotus position since then and my legs haven’t been in so much pain.

My Dizziness Disappears

I started having dizzy spells at the age of 30. I had to get up slowly in the morning. If I got up too quickly, I was so dizzy I fell down. I had to work slowly and carefully and stop if I got dizzy. The village doctor said that it might be insufficient blood supply to the brain or there might be a tumor in my brain. He suggested that I go to a big hospital for a checkup. I didn’t go because I didn’t have the money.

My dizziness disappeared soon after I started to practice Falun Dafa. I have been in good health for the past 20 plus years. I can work in the fields and do house chores.

Spinning Falun

The local detention center detained many Falun Dafa practitioners one year. We didn’t cooperate with the police. We recited poems from Hong Yin, Lunyu, and Master’s articles. One afternoon we saw many Falun falling down from the sky onto the tree leaves, the walls and everywhere. Some Falun were as big as the washing basin and as small as coins. They continued spinning with the colors of red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, blue and purple. It was amazing and beautiful. The police also saw the Falun. They shoved us into a room. The beaming lights went through the window and lit the wall. We saw Falun spinning on the wall nonstop.

I looked at the stars through the window at night. Every star turned into a Falun. It was so inspiring.

Clarifying the Truth

Practitioners clarify the truth to people about the persecution to bring it to an end; it’s every practitioners' responsibility. The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) propaganda in the newspapers and on TV spread to every corner of China since the persecution started in July 1999. I used my own experiences to tell people that Falun Dafa is upright and wonderful, that Falun Dafa is a great way and only benefits people.

Our village is large. We practitioners went from east to west and south to north to clarify the truth to people in the village. We practiced the exercises outdoors.

The local police station listed me as an important person and sent me to forced labor for one year in September 2000. I was detained at the Shijiazhuang Forced Labor Camp where I was severely tortured. I was not allowed to sleep. The police beat me with batons, hung me up and shocked me with electric batons. My bottom was injured and festered from the beatings, which bled and produced pus. The guards tried to brainwash me day and night. I was not deceived or terrified. I could clearly see that Falun Dafa is righteous. The dark clouds do not always cover the sun. This reinforced my determination to cultivate in Falun Dafa. It was hard to clarify the truth in the forced labor camp. The guards scolded me and shouted, “Shut up!”

When I was released, I decided to clarify the truth to whomever I crossed paths with. When my husband came to pick me up, he told me he wanted to get a divorce. I was so upset that I cried. So many harmonious families were destroyed due to the persecution. It was not easy for my husband to take care of our two teenage sons by himself. The guards badmouthed me when he came to see me while I was detained. They said that I didn’t listen to them, that I caused trouble for them and that I would be incarcerated again if I did not transform.

I exposed the wickedness in the detention center to him. I told him how they tortured me while they told the outside world that they gently “educate” people. They beat me almost to death simply because I wouldn’t give up my belief. Is it wrong to be a good person? I told my husband, “You are trapped by them if you listen to them.” He didn’t know how to respond.

When we were waiting for the train at the train station, I said to the people nearby, “I was just released from a forced labor camp where I was illegally detained for one year for practicing Falun Dafa. I was severely tortured there.” Some people listened to me. Others didn’t believe that the forced labor camp was so evil. Some gave me a thumbs up to show their support. Some looked at me with admiration. Some didn’t dare to listen to me and walked away.

My husband was worried, but he couldn’t prevent me from talking to people. Some people asked about the CCP-staged self-immolation incident at Tiananmen Square. I told them that it was a hoax and staged, and that those people were not Falun Dafa practitioners. I asked them not to believe the lies on the radio. Practitioners won’t commit suicide because our Master said that it’s a sin. Some people asked me to be careful. I clarified the truth to people until the train started to move.

Village Officials Come to Know the Truth

When I came home, many people in my village looked at me with a weird expression. Some said that my two sons would have difficulty finding good wives since I was detained at the forced labor camp. Others said that I was arrested repeatedly and it was shameful. It was difficult for me to clarify the truth to people. I thought of Master and how difficult everything must be for Him. It’s so hard for Him to save us and sentient beings!

I made up my mind to assist Master to rectify the Fa. The practitioners in my village and I went to various places to clarify the truth and distribute truth-clarification materials. We organized Fa study groups again. Every practitioner in our village started clarifying the truth to their family members and relatives and asked them to quit the CCP. If we came across people or the village committee members who were stubborn and unwilling to withdraw from the CCP, we clarified the truth to them repeatedly.

One elderly village official refused to listen to us. His wife opposed us as well. Practitioners didn’t know what to do. He owned a chicken farm. I went to buy eggs from him and talked to his daughter-in-law. She agreed to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. His wife was very unhappy and badmouthed me, but I wasn’t moved. I told them that everything I did was for their wellbeing.

When her husband came to see me, I told him how Falun Dafa practitioners were brutally persecuted, how the CCP harvests organs from living Falun Dafa practitioners and how the CCP killed more than 80 million Chinese since it usurped power. He was silent. I urged him to quit the CCP and told him to say, “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” repeatedly so that he would stay safe. He agreed to withdraw from the CCP.

I went to clarify the truth to the village officials and told them not to cooperate with the police who came to harass Falun Dafa practitioners. Most of the village officials and villagers learned the truth. Some officials protected practitioners.

One day the police came to our village. The officials pointed to the locked doors and said that the practitioners were not at home. On another occasion, the village officials came to collect practitioners’ IDs. I went to see them that evening. They said that they got orders from above that every practitioner must write a statement that they would not practice Falun Dafa. They knew that the practitioners would not comply, so they would write one for the practitioners to complete their assignment. I told them not to do it because it was not good for them. It was quite a dilemma. They had already assured the township head that they would hand over the statements the next day. I told them that was not an issue because the township head might be transferred to work elsewhere the next day. I took back my ID card.

The officer came to my home the next morning. He said to me happily, “Falun Dafa is marvelous! The township head indeed got notice that he would be transferred to another county.” The statements ended up nowhere. The news of this incident spread quickly among the villagers and laid a good foundation for us to clarify the truth in the future.

We put up posters to expose the crimes of former CCP head Jiang Zemin, who initiated the persecution. I told the village officers not to tear them down. They suggested that we not put up posters but only hang our boards from trees. When senior officers came, the officials we spoke to took the boards down and then put them back after the senior officials left. We put up boards as well as posters and no one removed them.

My Family Became Better and Better

My husband and two sons started practicing Falun Dafa. We require ourselves to comply with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in our daily lives. My sons work with my husband in the renovation industry. The villagers said that they do a good job and they are honest and skillful. When they got older, the villagers introduced them to some women. Some said that they prefer Falun Dafa families because they were kind, not demanding and their daughters would be well taken care of. My two sons got married and now have children with good jobs. They bought apartments and cars and are happy.

My husband has his own small business. He hires workers when he is busy. We built a house and bought a car. My family members cooperate with each other to tell people about the persecution. We do whatever we can to validate the Fa and save sentient beings.

Thank you, Master, for your compassionate salvation!