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Maryland, U.S.: Falun Dafa Welcomed in Labor Day Parade

Sept. 7, 2023 |   By Minghui correspondent Li Jingfei

(Minghui.org) Labor Day was celebrated on September 4, 2023 in the United States. Practitioners in the Greater Washington DC area participated in a parade in Kensington, Maryland. Practitioners carried banners with information about Falun Dafa, demonstrated the exercises on the float, and distributed leaflets and handmade lotus flowers to people along the parade route.

Practitioners participated in the Labor Day parade in Kensington, MD on September 4, 2023.

Practitioners demonstrated the exercises on the float.

The waist drum team performed in the parade.

When practitioners passed by the viewing stage, the moderator read an introduction to Falun Dafa.

David Trone, House Representative from Maryland, takes a photo with a practitioner.

Congressman David Trone also participated in the parade. He accepted a leaflet and paper lotus flower from a Falun Dafa practitioner. He had previously issued a certificate and letters to express his support for Falun Dafa, and he praised practitioners for their valuable contributions to the community through sharing the core values of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. He said that this is essential for establishing a more powerful community.

Practitioners Bring Kindness and Understanding to the Community

Jodi and Ken watched the parade with their two grandchildren. They said that this was the second time they saw Falun Dafa practitioners in a parade. When he saw the banner, “The world needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance,” Ken said, “This is very good information. We need Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.” Jodi agreed and said, “This is great information. This is also a great way to be, which is very important.”

Jodi and Ken watched the parade and said that they liked the messages on the banners.

Stephen and his two young children watched the parade. When he saw the practitioners, he said he could feel positive energy.

“They seem to be in a state of perfect quietness. I like it very much,” Stephen said. “When I look at them I feel happy. I feel peace and calm. I like everything they bring. Although this is only a temporary moment, it may be less than a minute, but I like every moment of it. I feel great now.”

Stephen read the leaflet to learn more information about Falun Dafa.

Peggy commends Falun Dafa for bringing kindness and understanding to the community.

Peggy and her family watched the parade, and she said it was the first time she's seen Falun Dafa practitioners and she was very excited. One family member said, “She is excited and has been talking about Falun Dafa nonstop.” Peggy said, “They bring information about Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. We need it now. This is very good. They bring kindness, understanding and love to the community.”

Chinese-American: Falun Gong Brings Health to People

Chinese American Sizhe Xie said Falun Dafa makes people healthy.

Sizhe Xie is a Chinese American. He said that he saw reports about Falun Dafa in the media. He said, “This practice is good for people’s mental health and well-being to prevent people from having depression, anxiety or stress.”

Gupta and Mina watch the parade.

Gupta and Mina said that their granddaughter participated in the parade, and they traveled from Baltimore to be there. They said it was the first time they've seen Falun Dafa practitioners. They admired the exercise demonstration. Gupta said, “People need to calm their hearts. Everyone is too busy.” Mina said, “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is what we need. This is very good.”

Megan and her daughter learn about Falun Dafa.

Megan watched the parade with her daughter. She admired the practitioners as they demonstrated the exercises on the float and said, “They look relaxed and beautiful.” She said she and her daughter liked to meditate and wanted to know more about Falun Dafa.

Background: What Is Falun Dafa and Why Is the CCP Persecuting It?

Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) was first introduced to the public by Mr. Li Hongzhi in Changchun, China, in 1992. The spiritual discipline is now practiced in over 100 countries and regions worldwide. Millions of people who have embraced the teachings, which are based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and have learned the five exercises, have experienced improved health and well-being.

Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology and on July 20, 1999, he issued an order to eradicate the practice.

Under Jiang’s personal direction, the CCP established the 610 Office, an extralegal security organization with the power to override the police and judicial systems and whose sole function is to carry out the persecution of Falun Dafa.

Minghui.org has confirmed the deaths of thousands of practitioners as a result of the persecution over the past 24 years. The actual number is believed to be much higher. Countless practitioners have been imprisoned and tortured for their faith.

There is concrete evidence that the CCP sanctions the harvesting of organs from detained practitioners, who are murdered to supply China’s organ transplant industry.