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What I Learned from My Accident

Jan. 14, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Sichuan Province, China

(Minghui.org) I’m 78 years old. I started practicing Falun Dafa in October 1995. I used to suffer from inflammation in my colon and gall bladder and often got admitted into the hospital. Despite all of the money I spent, my health didn’t get better. I used to have trouble walking because of back and stomach pain; it made me toss and turn in bed. After I started practicing Falun Dafa, all these diseases were gone without taking any medicine.

About ten years ago, I happened to hear that a couple who practiced Falun Dafa in the countryside had planted many Japanese plum trees and had more than enough plums to eat every year. The couple was busy telling people about Falun Dafa and how it’s being persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Also, their family members were busy with their jobs and no one went to harvest the fruit. The practitioners told me to pick as many as I wanted. I thought it would be a pity to waste all the ripe fruit. I told a few practitioners and happily went to pick some plums. 

On our way home, two practitioners and I rode in a male practitioner’s tricycle. There were two seats in the back, but the three of us squeezed in with me in the middle. When the tricycle went down a steep hill, the brake suddenly stopped working. We became nervous. The driver lost control. The only thing he could do was to slide down the hill. Our tricycle hit a wall with a loud bang. All four of us fell off. My head was hit hard. I could initially think clearly, but passed out after a while. They rushed me to a hospital and notified my daughter and son-in-law.

The doctor found a lot of bruises on my head and said that surgery needed to be done on my skull immediately. I regained consciousness after the surgery, but I couldn’t remember anything. The only person I could recognize was my daughter. After I was released from the hospital, I had trouble with my memory and couldn’t read. Under Master’s compassionate care, my memory was restored after a month. 

I realized there must be a huge loophole in my cultivation, which had given the old forces an excuse to try to kill me. I looked within and found many attachments, including sentimentality towards fellow practitioners, the attachment of showing off, the mentality of fighting, profiting at others’ expense, selfishness, self-righteousness, etc. I hadn’t been considerate of my fellow practitioners. They worked hard to plant these fruit trees. My attachment to eating good food led me to pick their fruit. I thought I was quite capable just because I had helped practitioners deliver some flyers. I rarely studied the Fa and didn’t concentrate well when I did. I didn’t measure myself against the standard of the Fa. I felt so sorry that I had let down Master’s compassionate salvation. I made up my mind to eliminate my attachments with a strong will.

After I returned home from the hospital, the bottom of my feet became red and hard. It was so painful that I couldn’t put my feet on the floor. I didn’t tell my daughter about it, but in my mind I begged Master for help. I persisted in doing housework, the Falun Dafa exercises, and studying the Fa. My feet returned to normal after a couple of weeks. 

Now I don’t pay attention to how many pages of Fa I study. I only care if I fully understand the Fa. It’s okay if I study only a few pages, but I certainly try to study as much as I can.

Though I have cultivated myself for years, my understanding of the Fa had lingered at a perceptual level. I still have a lot of attachments that I need to break through in my cultivation.

Thank you, Master, for saving me!