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Breaking Through Three Barriers in One Month

Jan. 19, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Anhui Province, China

(Minghui.org) December 2022 was an unforgettable month for me. I passed three relatively large tribulations in a row. There was also some interference that I had to discover and eliminate. It truly was like Master said,

“A hundred hardships falling all at once,See how one lives.”(“Tempering One’s Heart and Will” in Hong Yin)

The First Tribulation: Six Days and Seven Nights

On November 28, 2022, a fellow practitioner gave me a USB flash drive. She said she had not made a breakthrough in a tribulation she was in since 2017, and she had written down all the details that were saved in the flash drive. She asked me to read the file and help her to think of a way to overcome it.

That night, I opened the file to read. When reading it, I felt uncomfortable in my body. After I finished reading, I managed to find a pertinent section of Master Li’s Fa and sent it to her. I suggested she recite this section of the Fa word for word until she broke through the barrier.

After turning off the computer, I had some back pain and was weak all over. While leaning back on the bed, I fell asleep and slept until 5:30 a.m. After waking up, I felt frustrated: How could I be like this? I still felt dizzy and a little feverish, but I thought: “Ignore it and just do whatever you have to do.”

I had breakfast and studied the Fa. In the afternoon, I went out as usual to clarify the truth to people. While sending righteous thoughts at 6:00 p.m., I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until 11:45 p.m. by an alarm.

I felt I had a fever and that I was being interfered with by the contents of the practitioner’s writing. I immediately turned on my computer and deleted what she had written and then sent righteous thoughts for a long time. I again fell asleep and slept until an alarm woke me up at 5:50 a.m. I continued sending righteous thoughts until 7:20 a.m. I kept to my daily routine of doing what I should do.

On December 1, I still had a fever and thought: “There are a lot of people waiting to be saved, I can’t just stay in bed.” I wanted to do the three things, but my body was hot and weak, and I felt very sleepy. I again sent righteous thoughts for an extended time, but the situation did not improve. Looking inward, I realized the interference was due to my attachment to pursuit.

The next day, I studied the Fa, did the exercises, and sent righteous thoughts with my eyes open to avoid falling asleep. I was able to finish the housework. However, the following day, I stayed in bed asleep and could not get up during the day even when my husband asked me to join him for meals.

On December 4, my husband felt that something was a little bit off with me. He took my temperature, which was 104 degrees Fahrenheit. He exclaimed: “Let’s go to the hospital!” I said, “No, I’m not sick. I’m experiencing interference, and everything will be fine.” He helped me drink some water. He took my temperature several times that day, and it was the same.

Early in the morning on December 5, my main spirit left my body. I was suspended in mid-air and saw a large black mass of demons and rotten ghosts. I looked around a few times, but couldn’t find my physical body. I thought: “I should return to where I’m from.” I then flew slowly upward and saw nothing in the sky; it was empty with a vast expanse of whiteness. “Why is there nothing?” I thought. “I’ll shout to see if there’s any reaction.” I raised my right hand while in the lotus position and shouted out: “I came from the top of the universe … ” Before I could finish, I heard a loud sound. A bright light came from above and a stream of heat passed through my body that felt very comforting.

I calmed down and noticed that the large black mass of demons and rotten ghosts were gone. I saw my physical body lying on the bed, I thought: “I came to assist Master in Fa-rectification, and I have not yet completed my historical mission. So I must quickly go back to fulfill my vows.” I then felt my main spirit begin to slowly descend and return to my body.

I woke up and was in a state of disarray, my clothes were soaked with sweat. I was incontinent, had a headache, and felt pain everywhere. I couldn’t eat, drink, speak, hear, or see, and I couldn’t even move my body. However, my mind was clear: I knew that Master had once again saved me from the brink of death. My tears of gratitude were intertwined with sweat.

My husband came to my room and touched my forehead and it was cold. He was startled and first thought I was dead. He took my temperature, which was just above 97 degrees Fahrenheit. He exclaimed, “Your fever is gone!” I hummed a little, and he asked me if I wanted some water, I could only hum to respond. Under the care of my husband and my children, all the symptoms disappeared within a week. I was able to study the Fa and do the exercises, do some housework, and go out with my husband for a walk. Since I was eager to save people, I started to go out to clarify the truth before I fully recovered.

When I thought back on this incident, I was a bit scared. I had a high fever that was up to 104 degrees for six days and seven nights! Can a regular person bear that? This is the miraculous nature of Falun Dafa! I would like to thank Master Li again!

The Second Tribulation: A Little Girl Came to Collect a Past Debt

On December 19, 2022, after sending righteous thoughts at 6 a.m., I leaned back in bed and fell into a daze. I saw a little girl about eight or nine years old standing by my bed, saying: “I’m Zhou Xiaosan … ” As she spoke, the girl pounced headlong into me.

I awoke, but there was no child around. I thought this little girl had a predestined relationship with me from another life. Maybe I owed her and she came to collect the debt. I said to the little girl over and over again: “Zhou Xiaosan, no matter what kind of destiny we had before, I practice Falun Dafa today, and I’m here to assist Master to rectify the Fa and save people. I will help you to have a benevolent resolution, please don’t interfere with my doing the three things, and please don’t hurt my physical body. When I reach Consummation, I will pay you back double.”

On December 21, after sending righteous thoughts at noon, I was ready to go out to clarify the truth, but I couldn’t open my eyes, and I was weak and fell asleep. At about 5 p.m., my husband woke me up and asked why I didn’t go out. I said I wanted to sleep.

My husband checked my temperature, and it was 104 degrees Fahrenheit again. I thought: “I see, the little girl doesn’t want the benevolent resolution.” At this time, I remembered the Fa teaching that I had recommended to the fellow practitioner, and I regretted that I hadn’t thought to memorize it myself when I was experiencing the first obstacle. I couldn’t afford to pass it up, so I began to recite Master’s teaching.

Master said,

““During the Fa-rectification of the cosmos, I can make a reasonable arrangement for those of you who don’t interfere with my validating the Fa; I can have you become beings in the future. Those of you who seek a benevolent resolution should leave me and wait in my surroundings. If you really cannot leave me, then don’t have any part in interfering with me. In the future I will be able to achieve Consummation, and I will offer you a benevolent resolution. Those who are completely bad, who still interfere with me and who cannot remain will, according to the standards, have to be eliminated. Even if I don’t eliminate you, the Law of the cosmos won’t let you remain.”” (“Teachings at the 2004 International Conference in New York”)

I fell asleep while reciting this. When I woke up, I continued to recite it. I did so until the night of December 22, when my fever went down, and I passed the second tribulation.

The Third Tribulation: An Illusion of Being Infected with COVID

At that time, there was a major outbreak of COVID (or CCP Virus) in China, and almost every family was infected with the virus. The severity of the disease varied, and so did people’s feelings about it, my family was no exception. The children had mild fevers, and they were fine without medication.

On December 24, my husband contracted the virus and started to have a fever the next day. I played Dafa music for him and, when he woke up in the afternoon, his fever was down. He said happily, “This pandemic is no big deal; I recovered after a nap.”

I replied, “It’s because I played Dafa music for you that you got better so fast.” He didn’t believe or appreciate my gesture. As a result, his fever went up and down for several more days before gradually getting better.

On December 26, while I was taking care of my husband, I began feeling weak. I suddenly discovered that I didn’t feel like eating and had a bit of a cough, which made me wonder if I was infected as well. I thought: “I’m a Dafa disciple during the Fa-rectification period, how could I get infected with the CCP virus?"

Master said,

“Genuine Dafa disciples all carry energy and are themselves beings who eliminate karma and eradicate germs. They are the envoys of salvation at the end times, and they all know to be rational in saving people and clarifying the truth.” (“Rationality”)

Looking inward, I found that previous thought “I wonder if I’m infected as well.” Isn’t this a wrong thought that’s equivalent to admitting that I’m infected? I knew I needed to improve, but how was I going to improve without ordeals? These “symptoms” were just a false appearance being used to test me.

When my thinking was righteous, my xinxing improved, and the incorrect states disappeared, but the coughing continued. I asked for Master’s help in my mind, and I knew I needed to go out and clarify the truth to save people, but the coughing would scare people away, I thought I should hold up a bit. After a few days, there was no sign of change, even after sending righteous thoughts for an extended time.

A voice came to me, “Look inward!” I thought, “Yes! Look inward!” After looking inward, I recalled that during the Cultural Revolution, I had sung the praises of CCP, which committed sins. I was now caught by the CCP’s evil factors and could not get free. I thought: “This sinful karma was caused when I was young and ignorant. But now I practice cultivation; I’m a Dafa disciple who assists Master in Fa-rectification. Whoever interferes will be committing an unforgivable sin! As soon as this righteous thought came out, I stopped coughing, and I could go out and clarify the truth.

Persevering in Going Out to Save People

There was no limit to where I would go to clarify the truth. The city's central area, rural areas, suburbs, markets, shopping malls, schools, construction sites, parks, and bus stops are all good places to reach out to people. I would usually choose a few transportation routes and take turns traveling those routes on my bike.

Spending about a month to deal with my above-mentioned tribulations had held back my going out, thus missing many people’s chances of salvation. And yet, the invisible interference continued. When I sent forth righteous thoughts, I dozed off. When I went out, I couldn’t find a single person, even if I traveled a long distance. I thought: “This is not a correct state for a practitioner; I have to make a breakthrough. I have to make up for the delay and totally negate the old forces interference!”

So whenever I was about to doze off while studying the Fa or sending righteous thoughts, I would say the word “Mie.” Whenever a bad thought arose, I would eliminate and disintegrate it. When I clarified the truth, I would send righteous thoughts to destroy all the evil factors that interfere with people’s salvation. By doing so, less interference was encountered and my righteous thoughts got stronger. The number of people who chose to quit the CCP and its affiliates also increased, from a few people per day to 30 to 40 people, to sometimes even 70 people. The number has now exceeded 90.

In the process of clarifying the truth, the more people we save, the greater the chance for corresponding interference. I also encountered those who beat me, cursed, refused to listen, threatened to report, or took my picture, etc. But I had resolved each obstacle with compassion. I feel that only by keeping up with doing the three things well can our effort to save people go smoothly. In this way, we’ll fulfill our prehistoric mission and repay Master’s compassionate salvation.