(Minghui.org) My daughter believes Falun Dafa is good. After reading two articles written by its founder Master Li Hongzhi last year, “How Humankind Came To Be” and “Why Save Sentient Beings,” she said, “Master is so compassionate. I had a dream about him last night. I too will go out to tell people the truth and help save them!”
After she began telling people about Dafa, she was reported to the police. She was arrested and detained. Three police officers went to her place, and confiscated her computer and cell phone. With Master’s protection, they did not find any Falun Dafa materials. They came to my place attempting to find “evidence” to frame my daughter. With Master’s protection again, they did not find anything here either.
“Who told you to do this (going out to tell people about Falun Dafa)?” one of them asked my daughter.
“No one,” she replied. “If you ask around, you will know Falun Dafa helps one to be a good person and improves health. More people need to know this so that they can benefit from it.”
The officers did not know what to do and just kept intimidating and threatening her. My daughter was not afraid and did not yield.
“If you don’t tell us, you will end up in a brainwashing center,” one officer said.
“I will not act against my conscience and turn in someone, even if it means I die,” my daughter said.
Seeing no progress, the officers had no choice but to let her return home.
Upon coming back home, my daughter told me what was said. I explained that, as long as we have strong righteous thoughts, Master will help and protect us. After all, Master wrote,
“…When disciples have ample righteous thoughtsMaster has the power to turn the tide” (“The Master-Disciple Bond,” Hong Yin II)
So I suggested we send forth strong righteous thoughts and clear up all vicious elements including those that manipulated the police officers.
After some time, the officers asked her to come and write the so-called “three statements.” She looked at one “example” and found it was defaming Master.
“Sorry, I cannot write things like this. I just know Falun Dafa is good and I have not even learned the exercises yet,” she said.
But the officers did not give up and they kept pushing. My daughter had strong righteous thoughts and did not yield. So she just wrote down what she said. The officers said that was not enough and demanded more even after my daughter gave them five different versions.
I worried that my daughter might be unable to go through this. Seeing my anxiety, she assured me and said, “Mother, trust me. I will not do anything against Master Li or Dafa. Dafa is in my heart and Master has the final say. Whatever those officers say does not count. I will be fine.” I felt relieved and assured.
After discussing with me, she wrote down the following as the sixth version, “Falun Dafa is righteous. The Chinese Communist Party is vicious and we have to oppose it.” She then went out to give this to the officers.
When she returned home, my daughter said, “Mother, Master protected me and I passed the test!” She said the officers could not do anything with what she wrote and one of them said, “All right. Let’s wrap up here and you can go home.”
After going through this tribulation, my daughter became more determined in her belief in Master Li and Dafa. She began to study the Falun Dafa teachings, does the exercises, and is now truly practicing.
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