(Minghui.org) European Parliament passed a resolution at its headquarters in Strasbourg, France on January 18, 2024. The resolution condemns the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) and demands an immediate end to the brutality. It also calls for sanctions against the perpetrators and entities that have contributed to the persecution.

Falun Dafa practitioners from France and Germany went to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France on January 17 and 18. They told people from all walks of life who went to the European Parliament about the CCP’s 24-year-long persecution and called on Members of the European Parliament (MEP) to help stop the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) brutality. 

Practitioners gathered in front of the European Parliament on January 17 and 18, 2024, and called for an end to the persecution.

The event on January 17 took place at the main entrance to the European Parliament, where visitors, MEPs, and aides arrived by taxi or tram. The event on January 18 was held at the back of the Parliament - near the Winston Churchill entrance.

Passersby learn about Falun Dafa.

During those two days, practitioners braved the bitter winter cold—including drizzle, sleet, and heavy snowfall. The security guards and parliament visitors were impressed by the practitioners’ persistence and hard work.

Italian MEP: We Must Always Stand with You

Fabio Massimo Castaldo, an Italian non-party MEP, walked out of the parliament building after the resolution was passed on January 18 and met with practitioners. Regarding the CCP’s criminal act of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, he said, “I demand an international investigation. It is on this issue that I call for all governments to sanction all Chinese officials responsible for such actions against you and other ethnic minorities. It is not easy because some European governments have close relations with China. But within the parliament, the message is very strong and we have broad support today.” He encouraged practitioners to persevere.

MEP Fabio Massimo Castaldo talked with practitioners on-site and a group photo was taken.

During the debate on this resolution in the European Parliament on the evening of January 17, MEP Castaldo stated that in the face of the CCP’s organ trafficking against Falun Gong practitioners and Chinese ethnic minorities, “We have no choice. There can only be firm, clear, and unequivocal condemnation. We should all demand an international investigation into the criminal organ trade and harsh sanctions against the officials and authorities responsible.”

He added, “In the face of these atrocities, we must either defend our values and human rights unreservedly or choose the path of complicity. Because silence is complicity, I call it again tonight that this Parliament must not be silent. We must always stand with those fighting for freedom and the right to live.”

A resident signs the petition calling for the persecution to end.

Undergraduate Student: I Support Your Action

After a medical college student listened carefully to a practitioner’s introduction, he said, “No matter what form of persecution a dictator commits, all forms of persecution should be banned. I fully support you.”

A nursing assistant was pleased to hear about Falun Gong from practitioners there, and she hoped to learn more about the practice.

Two women were from Ethiopia and Togo. A practitioner told them that last year Togo held an event to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the spread of Falun Dafa in Togo. Such activities are held in Africa but are prohibited in China. They expressed regret for this and accepted Falun Dafa leaflets.

Cars coming from Offenburg and taxis coming from Germany turn around there, and the drivers accept leaflets from practitioners. When taxis passed by, the drivers rolled down their windows and accepted the flyers.