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Woman in Her Seventies Perseveres in Her Faith Despite Being Imprisoned for Seven and a Half Years

Jan. 6, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) In April 2016 when I was 70, I was arrested for practicing Falun Dafa. Eight months later I was sentenced to 7.5 years in prison. Despite the immense suffering, I persevered and refused to give up Falun Dafa.

Before I began practicing, I was tormented by many ailments and was in great pain. I had to wear winter clothes in summer and could only eat rice porridge due to the intense stomach pain. On the verge of death in 1998, I was fortunate to hear about Falun Dafa. A month after I began practicing, all my illnesses miraculously disappeared. Master saved me and gave me a new life!

Persevering in My Faith

While I was in the detention center, the 610 Office agents drugged my food. My mind was dazed and I had difficulty speaking. This state of mental confusion along with memory loss persisted for two years. Other incarcerated practitioners recited the Fa to me. With Master’s blessing, my memory returned. I memorized 67 poems from Hong Yin, which strengthened my mind and gave me courage.

When I was admitted to the prison, I was confined in the Intensive Control Division. The prison told the inmates to transform Falun Dafa practitioners and promised to reduce their prison terms, so many inmates and cell heads brutally tortured practitioners.

Three days after I arrived, an inmate and the cell head pushed me against the bed frame and slapped both sides of my face. My dentures were broken. My teeth, tongue, and the interior of my mouth were injured. My mouth was full of blood and my face was swollen and bruised as a result. The inmates also forced me to sit on a small bench with my hands on my knees for hours and I was insulted and beaten if I moved. Several inmates took turns attacking me with defamatory propaganda against Dafa.

On the seventh day of my imprisonment, I was tortured again. Four inmates picked me and threw me to the ground multiple times. Blood gushed out of my nose and I felt my organs were about to burst, and my head was about to explode. Despite this, I refused to renounce Falun Dafa. Leaving life and death behind, I repeatedly recited Master’s poem, “Nothing Kept.” I refused to betray Dafa no matter what they did to me.

They escalated the torture. They gagged me with a rag, taped my mouth shut and twisted my arms behind my back. One inmate put a rope around my neck, and said they would drag me around on the ground until I died. They didn’t stop when a kind inmate from another cell intervened. I couldn’t walk after the torture, and I was unable to sleep due to severe pain for five days. They continued to beat and kick me.

When I was later taken to a hospital an X-ray revealed one of my vertebrae was fractured. After I was handcuffed and shackled to the hospital bed for seven days with an IV injection, I sent back to prison in intense pain.

Resilience in the Face of Persecution

After six months of imprisonment, I decided to protest my unjust sentence and torture. I refused to wear the prison uniform or respond to roll calls. I also began to do the Falun Dafa exercises, even though I knew that I would be abused and tortured.

Inmates beat me when I did the exercises, leaving my face bloody and bruised. I recited Master’s poem “Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Action,” to maintain my unwavering resolve.

One guard who learned the truth of Dafa was sympathetic towards me and allowed me to do the exercises in a place away from the surveillance camera. My peeling skin also healed quickly and I took it as Master’s encouragement.

From 2020 to 2021, during the evening roll call, I shouted out “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance is good!” despite the inmates’ severe abuse. Master encouraged me in my dream, hinting that I was disintegrating the old forces’ and the persecution, and I was walking on the right path. I continued doing this every day for eleven months.

During the two inspections by provincial officials, I kindly told more than twelve visitors to remember these words when they inspected my cell. The prison atmosphere became calm, and the inmates stopped fighting and cursing.

Miracles Unfolded in Front of Me

Once, when an inmate was thirsty, I offered her my water and she drank two cups. The next day, she tearfully told me that my water saved her. She had been suffering from an illness and had nearly reached a breaking point that day. However, after drinking my water, her stomach discomfort vanished, and her pain subsided. She slept soundly that night. When she thanked me for saving her, I told her that Falun Dafa saved her, and I encouraged her to remember that Falun Dafa is good. She was also happy to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

In 2019, an inmate poured a bottle of iodine on my head, causing most of my hair to burn and fall out within a few days. The little bit that remained turned white. A year later, my black hair grew back and the white hair turned black—the inmates were amazed by the power of Dafa.

A fellow practitioner renounced Falun Dafa under torture and was forced to curse Master and Dafa. She suffered a stroke days later. Recognizing her mistake, she wrote a statement to void her actions and recovered. Sadly, the cycle repeated four times as she succumbed to retaliation and torture.

An inmate, a former lumber company CEO, recognized the goodness of Falun Dafa and knew about the brutal persecution after I clarified the truth to her. She chose to quit the CCP. She even offered me a job and financial assistance when I was released. The next time I meditated I saw she was a celestial being, tall and powerful, with a shining face and a golden body.

Another inmate beat me violently while she monitored me, causing my nose to bleed badly. One day I saw she was a faceless person in a black gown, like a ghost. I felt this was Master’s hint to save her. I told her the truth about Dafa and urged her to treat practitioners with kindness.

Master’s protection and the Fa’s guidance gave me power to think and act righteously and endure the arduous persecution for seven years. I express deep gratitude for Master’s compassion and for saving me!