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Elderly Practitioner’s Thoughts on the Importance of Doing the Exercises

Oct. 15, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Henan Province, China

(Minghui.org) I’ve practiced Falun Dafa for 27 years, and I’m now 80 years old. Although I’ve been healthy and look younger than most people my age, I know that I’m aging.

Some elderly practitioners struggle with sickness karma and other age related issues. I’d like to share my understanding about the importance of doing the Falun Dafa exercises, especially for us elderly practitioners.

Master said,

“There is a criterion, however, that the life prolonged beyond your predestined time to live is completely reserved for your practice. If your thoughts undergo even a little deviation, your life will be in danger because your lifetime should have long been over. You will have such a restriction until you reach Beyond-Triple-World-Fa cultivation. After that, one will be in another state.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

In the past two years, I increased the length of time I did the exercises. I now meditate for two hours every day and I do the standing exercises for three and a half hours. However, I still experienced some signs of aging and my eyesight was blurry after I read the Fa.

On May 19, 2024, I began doing the exercises twice a day. After dinner, I meditate for one hour and do the four standing exercises for two and a half hours. I send forth righteous thoughts at 10 p.m. before going to bed. I get up at 2 a.m. to do the five sets of exercises again and send forth righteous thoughts at 6 a.m. After I rest, I begin reading the Fa.

My vision greatly improved. The longer I studied the Fa, the more clearly I saw the words. My hearing also returned to normal. I used to have difficulty bending down when I did the fourth exercise because of leg pain. This problem soon disappeared. I also no longer feel sleepy, even though I sleep less.

Four months have passed since I made these changes in practicing the Falun Dafa exercises. Now, my legs no longer hurt, and I can do the exercises normally. I feel energetic and walk lightly. My health has clearly improved.

Cultivation is difficult, and practitioners have gone through thick and thin to reach the point we’re at today. At this last stage of the Fa-rectification, it’s imperative that elderly practitioners strive to maintain good health. To that end I share my thoughts and experiences regarding the importance of practicing the exercises.