(Minghui.org) Practitioners held an event in the Châtelet district of central Paris on October 11, 2024. They told people about Falun Dafa, demonstrated the exercises and exposed the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) brutal persecution of the spiritual discipline which has gone on since 1999.

When people saw the information boards and learned about the CCP’s cruel persecution of practitioners—who follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, along with organ harvesting, many were shocked and even outraged. They signed the petition to end the persecution to show their support for practitioners. Some people were also interested in learning more about Falun Dafa and after watching the exercise demonstration, they wished to learn them. They asked about local practice sites.

Practitioners introduced Falun Dafa during an event in the Châtelet district of central Paris, on October 11, 2024.

People lined up in front of the booth to sign the petition to support practitioners’ efforts to end the persecution.

Tourists and locals sign the petition condemning the CCP’s persecution.

The World Must Bring the CCP to JusticeEngineer Daniel Vauticard was deeply shocked by the CCP’s organ harvesting after reading the informational board display and said, “These horrifying actions by the Chinese government against Falun Dafa practitioners must be stopped on a large scale.” He believes that all those Chinese officials who carry out massacres and destructive policies against practitioners, leading to their persecution, torture, and death, should be condemned before the public and the Chinese people. “This is genocide. International public opinion and all of humanity must bring the Chinese government to justice and immediately end these crimes.”Daniel Vauticard said he previously heard about the CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa. He said practitioners are peaceful, calm, kind, and very tolerant, but that, “The CCP regime is made up of bandits and thugs who rule China and continue to manipulate villains worldwide to commit evil deeds.”

What shocked Daniel Vauticard even more was that some French surgeons were involved in these organ transplants. He said, “It’s horrible, truly horrible. It’s disgraceful.” He believes that France should hold accountable those who went to China to participate in this massacre.

When he heard that some French surgeons trained Chinese doctors in organ transplant techniques, he said, “This is a crime against humanity,” he said. "If I were a French surgeon, I would refuse to participate in this massacre. Even if they didn’t know at the time, they should condemn these crimes once they learned the truth.”

Daniel Vauticard said he could not express in words the anger he felt about these actions. He said, “I truly hope that France, the international community, and all other nations can wake up and put an end to the crime of organ harvesting once and for all.” 

Everyone Must Choose KindnessÉliane Soreau, a retired interior designer, believes that organ harvesting is unimaginable and that such cruel acts are truly abnormal and unprecedented. It reminded her of the Bible, which mentions that such things would be revealed at the end of this era.

She said that when people see such torture, they can’t help but ask what could stop all of it. “I don’t believe humanity can solve these problems. This requires an intervention, something extraordinary to happen.” She added, “I believe in God, in a divine power. People are doing whatever they want now, and it has reached the point where we are destroying the Earth.”

She thinks people must wake up, as this is also God’s will. She said he already warned us. But the day when God stops allowing people to act as they please, it will be too late. This concerns everyone—each person must choose between good and evil.

Éliane believes that truthfulness means being honest and that we must be kind to others because we all live in the same world. But many people no longer hold this belief, and they seem indifferent to it.She also believes that in life, people must choose goodness. Good and evil coexist, and people must decide to either choose kindness or turn toward evil. She thinks people will be judged for these choices. This isn’t about religion but concerns everyone.She praised the courage of practitioners and encouraged them to keep up their efforts.

Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Is a Beautiful Life Philosophy

Bank employee Sandrine loves qigong and said, “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are values that should be respected; it represents a beautiful life philosophy.” Although she doesn’t know much about Falun Dafa, she opposes the persecution.

Mehdi Aitali, who works in public lighting, believes that the CCP is a very harsh and authoritarian regime and that the Chinese people are unable to freely express themselves as they wish. This is deeply saddening. The CCP’s organ harvesting is like something out of a horror movie—frightening and brutal. He admires the courage of Falun Gong practitioners and hopes the persecution will end soon.